LMAO! I wonder if Quotes ever had that one on his site!
JoinedPosts by misspeaches
by Lady Liberty inmy mother called me last night and shared with me something my dad just discovered in doing some research on the internet.
it is out of the book published by the wathchtower in 1966, entitled, "life everlasting in freedom of the sons of god".. my parents have the book, and listen to what was written about adam and bestiality.... page 45, para.
before god created anything new, a woman, god left the man free to determine whether there was a suitable companion for him among all the lower animals.
Any more info on Nicholas Kip? (Witness apologist)
by slimboyfat inremember he was the witness who wrote a life story for the awake!
magazine where it explains that he taught greek and he was impressed by the new world translation and that is why he became a witness.
("how knowing greek led me to know god") well, like lots of apostates i have always found his story interesting because of course there are many problems with the translation of the greek that you might expect someone knowledgeable in the language to spot.
Slim I hope you find out what your after... This is definately an interesting topic. I'd be interested if you got a reply from him too.
Having a hard time with this, what to do, what to do
by nonamegiven infor those who don't know my story (look up past posts, i posted it) here's the cliff's notes.. i was df'd about 10 weeks ago for things other than apostacy.
i plan in being reinstated to keep communication with my family (wife and i were raised in the........tr......tru.........truth) so i am still going to the meetings.. well, for any that don't know my wife had a baby thursday woo-hoo!
anyway, the cong we are in is actually fairly loving and it's quite a shock to me since it's very different from what i have experienced for the last 30+ years.
Make them feel uncomfortable not you! Don't leave the room, be polite not hostile.
Greet them with a hello, you don't have to say anything else.
They are the ones who will go away feeling like something just doesn't add up with the whole disphellowshipping arrangement!
Do you remember the first anti-JW site you visited on the internet?...
by Hecklerboy ini remember doing a search on jw's and ending up on www.watchtowerinformationservice.org.
which led me to www.freeminds.org.
and then it led me here..
The first one I found was DannyHazard and it shocked the pants off me... no no not literally! LOL.
It didn't deter me from continuing to look and I still go check Danny's site when I feel the need for controversary!
A Special Occassion and a Bottle of..???
by OUTLAW init`s time for a drinking thread!
!..bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!..when you want to celebrate,what is your favorite alchohol beverage?..i mean the one you normally woudn`t buy,but you will on a very special occassion.....18year old highland park scotch for me.....whats your favorite special occassion drink?
Moet! The real deal....
But depending on the cashola situation its generally a sparkling wine.
Jehovah Bus
by Wordly Andre inyesterday while driving back from christmas shopping, i saw a large bus like one of those tour buses, it said something on the side but it was in spanish, but i saw that it said jehovah, i asked my wife to translate and she said its says: " find jehovah while you still can" i was like what the hell???
spanish congergation is really out there with their own bus and all.
My father in law is a pastor of a spanish church. They frequently use the name Jehovah. At the church I go to they use the name less frequently. But there is a song they have which always cracks me up.... the chorus goes:
There is no God like Jehovah (repeat 12 times!)
Latino Dancing!
by zagor ini've started going to dance classes four weeks ago but had to skip two.
tonight i went again.
i thought it will be a pain in butt to get back into routine, in fact didn't even feel like going, was feeling kinda low on fuel for few reasons but went anyway.. i've got really great couple of dance instructors.
Hi Zagor
Yes back on board. Getting even closer to having a computer at home which means I'll be able to spend more time here with all these lovely people!
I have to admit that latin people know how to dance a whole lot better than I do. It seems to come so naturally for MrPeaches where I struggle to get the rhythm right. I hear the off beat. Strange but true!
If you do come back and looking for a good school I can recommend one to you. There are a couple of dodgy ones out there.
Latino Dancing!
by zagor ini've started going to dance classes four weeks ago but had to skip two.
tonight i went again.
i thought it will be a pain in butt to get back into routine, in fact didn't even feel like going, was feeling kinda low on fuel for few reasons but went anyway.. i've got really great couple of dance instructors.
Ah Salsa and Merengue. I'm much better with merengue than salsa mind you! Are you still around my parts Zagor? I wonder if we had lessons from the same school? I took them too.
My hubby is latin and at our wedding a few weeks ago we had a latin dj. The music was awesome. All the aussies got up and danced. We even did some salsa steps as part of our bridal dance.
Can we start a Secret Santa Recieved/Sent Thread?
by restrangled ini'm worried because i sent a christmas card plus had a gift sent by ups over the internet about 7 days ago and haven't heard anything.
i would feel really feel bad if my person didin't receive their gift or card.
so i think we need to have an official post place.
Mine is on its way to California. I hope you get it before Christmas arrives!
I feel good
by hambeak ini told my mil that i am not going to cook for them and take a couple of weeks off and am not cooking a celebratory dinner for their asshole son that just got out of prison for drunk driveing and evading arrest.
too much crap this month and i am just going to take care of me.
i got a call from a few people on jwd and it was great, caring and wonderful folks.
excellent news hambeak. Its amazing how empowered you can feel when you be a little assertive! Keep it up.
Love and blessings, MrsPeaches