Why did i click the link... WHY!?!?!
damn it i have that horrible tune in my head now...
Surly Miss Peaches.
now you all probebly puked all over the moniter reading the the thread topic .
here is a website to haunt ya all!
Why did i click the link... WHY!?!?!
damn it i have that horrible tune in my head now...
Surly Miss Peaches.
this news is so sad.
We have had a lot of media coverage here in Australia about the terrorist attacks in London overnight.
I hope that no one on this board has been affected directly or friends and family of them.
My prayers are with you all.
Miss Peaches
some psychologists believe that people in love unconsciously wish to return to an infantile state of mind.
what things do lovers say which you think are infantile or otherwise silly?
How funny Billygoat... My boyfriend started the Schmoopie talk with me... All this time I thought it was his word and it appears he's stolen it from seinfeld.
But yeah... me and the man are always talkin schmooooooopie!!!!!
where to begin.
yes, i wanted to meet new girls because i never hang out with any of the girls that are in my phone anymore and my friends are busy with their stuff like hanging out with their friends or hanging out with their chick friends.
why i never hang out with the girls i knew?
Hey T.S.
Your such a thinker! Oh boy if I had so many thoughts and ideas swirling around in my head at once like you I don't know how'd I cope.
In an ideal world we could skip all the crappola that life deals out to and have our own familys, learn from the parental units mistakes and show them just how its done. But trust me. Sometimes its good to go through the crappola. It makes you a stronger person. And if you really do want to mentor someone it helps so much if you've faught some battles of your own.
I have no doubt that you know what you want do and can achieve. Just don't lose the dream darl.
Remember that there are people here who understand exactly what you are going through. People want to help. Even if its just a listening ear.
Take Care...
Miss Peaches
at least 2 or three times a week, i get a pm from someone that sounds similar to this:hello richie, .
i just read your recnt post from the assembly.
appears you've no concern about being located?
Or you could always come out to Oz and bunk down here...!
We've got some great universities too!
my mum used to always tell me i should model myself on the clothes that we see people wearing in the wtbts propoganda.
have you seen the clothes those people wear?
errrk i mean there wasn't a bit of fashion about them.
Darn it... I didn't realise that the picture wasn't working... Try again... LOL
my mum used to always tell me i should model myself on the clothes that we see people wearing in the wtbts propoganda.
have you seen the clothes those people wear?
errrk i mean there wasn't a bit of fashion about them.
My mum used to always tell me I should model myself on the clothes that we see people wearing in the WTBTS propoganda.
Have you seen the clothes those people wear? Errrk I mean there wasn't a bit of fashion about them. No wonder I had such a freakin hard time in highschool being forced to wear dweeb clothes.
This is from their site - it oozes of clothes my mum approves of.
Thank goodness I now have the freedom to dress myself...
lately i've been feeling incredibly frustrated by the relationship i have with a few members of my family who aren't attached to the org, or just hanging in by a thread.
my dad is one such person, love him to bits, but he really gives me the sh*ts with his poor me act grrrr.
i just get tired of always being the one who calls, who stays in contact, who visits etc.
Hi H.L. I know what you mean. My diehard JW mum acknowledged my B'day this year for the first time ever... I was in shock.
i was bad!
we went to our cabin friday night till sunday.
i went through 3 cases of buttlight!
I got a new baby puppy cocker spaniel... Here she is!
i just read a post that said the audience was not obediently clapping at the convention when the speakers made wild statements (presumably with the rising nazi voice).
did anyone else notice this.. will others look out for it at their dc and tell us?.
i'm not going.. bwaaaaahhhhhhh.
The last few times I went to assemblys and DC's I sat with my friend and we realised just how silly all the clapping was. We used to sit there and prepare ourselves for the pauses indicating people should clap, clapping for songs, clapping for prayers, clapping for experiences, clapping for baptisms. By the end of each one everytime there was clapping we would be killing ourselves laughing...