At least 2 or three times a week, I get a PM from someone that sounds similar to this:
Hello Richie,
I just read your recnt post from the assembly.
Appears you've no concern about being located? WIth your pictures with those of others out there, you well know it's a mater of time, eh? I'm not the enemy, and you probably got the part with the pictures figured out... but think some about your Mother (whom you appear to care about)...
So here is my reply to everyone.
I am not worried. Dubs control the R&F with fear. If I let them continue to instill that fear in me, the Dubs are winning. We are all in different situations. I feel that I can post pictures, and other info about myself without putting my spiritual standing in Jeapordy. I don't plan on physically leaving the truth until I become of adult age and I can walk away from it all. I am already mentally free, and I am currently enjoying sabotaging the org from within. Nothing makes you feel more accomplished than planting a seed of doubt.
If I am caught, and DFed, I will only be ahead of schedule. Leaving the truth is inevitable for me, as well as shunning from my mother and others. So if happens 6 months ahead of schedule, so what?
I appreciate you're taking the time to read this.