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JoinedPosts by misspeaches
Witnesses Gone Wild
by DevonMcBride inhas anyone lurked on the jw sites on
i was surprised to see how much partying goes on.
jw's nj, pa, ny.
The Time Of The End: Could It Be Upon Us?
by jayhawk1 init has been so long since i had anything to say on this site.
but here it goes.... for those who don't know or remember my story... five years ago i walked out of the kingdom hall for the last time.
it was the weekend after my dad tragically died and just a few weeks after reading sites like
Hi Jayhawk. You asked:
Do you feel this could be the end? Or, is this just another cycle in the grand scheme of things?
Personally I don't feel this could be the end. To me its an unfortunate tragedy.
I have learnt since leaving the witnesses not to put a lot of trust in numbers, years and predictions. I feel so much relief because I don't have these things weighing on my mind.
Hopefully you'll get some good feedback from people here and what they think of it all... I wish you peace of mind...
Miss Peaches
OMG!!! YOU MUST READ THIS!!!! My appeal letter worked!!!
by kwintestal infor those not up-to-date on my situation ... .
i was disfellowshipped and i posted about it here.. i wrote an appeal letter, and wrote about it here.
so, i just got home from a weeks vacation, i was home for 3 hours.
Wow Kwin.. I am surprised by your news...
Just further proof of how Jehovah is guiding them in their decision processes. Last week young Richie Rich got his priveleges back, This week you are a full blown dubbie again. I think Jehovah approves of JWD!!!
Anyone been baptised in another religon since leaving the dubs?
by misspeaches ini was just wondering if any of you have been baptised into another religon since leaving the jw's.. if you don't mind sharing i would love to know if it was a monumental decision for you to make?.
what was your status when you did it?
Damselfly - Thank you for sharing. I think thats the important thing 'if you truly believe'....
Honesty - Perhaps I phrased my heading wrong... I guess the impression I was trying to get across was has anyone been baptised since leaving the JW's because they have accepted Jesus as their saviour. When I first heard that expression it was all new to me. But I think that it is a much more reason to get valid then the JW reason.
LittleToe - I think I don't count the JW one either. I still have a strong belief in God though and at a point in my life where I am contemplating what to do. I've been associating with a church which I am enjoying thoroughly and I don't think they have a short Q&A session for those interested in baptism. Thinking I may take the time to attend the next one.
OldSoul - I guess when your baptised pre 1985 your vows are more relevant. Thank you for sharing.
Inquirer - I think many can relate not wanting to submit to a religous org again.
MadMax - I really enjoyed reading how you feel Christ lives in you. I think I feel that there is a massive difference to being guilt tripped into 'serving' Jehovah and an organisation then to have the freedom of just accepting Jesus as your saviour. Good luck on your journey.
Ingenous - I am the same. the implications of the vows I took infuriate me. When I read a thread on it at this forum it really upset me. I feel also that Jesus gets a very low ranking by the JW's.
Rebel8 - Closure. I love closure on an issue. Sounds like the experience was interesting and your motivation to do it was a good story too.
KatieKitten - Vows are important. But I guess I feel like I was decieved into my vows. I did my pre baptism questions and it wasn't until the day you realise what questions they are asking you. And then I was so damned embarrassed to get baptised in front of all those people I wasn't concentrating that well.
Billygoat - baptised to please your parents. I think its a common scenario in the dubbies. but yes your relationship with Christ/God is what is of most importance
Thank you everyone for your responses so far. It really has given me food for thought.
Now now you two... don't air your dirty laundry in public... he he he....
meanwhile any reason this was posted under the bible topic!?!? LOL
Anyone been baptised in another religon since leaving the dubs?
by misspeaches ini was just wondering if any of you have been baptised into another religon since leaving the jw's.. if you don't mind sharing i would love to know if it was a monumental decision for you to make?.
what was your status when you did it?
Hi Eyeslice - see that's what I was wondering about too. I mean if you consider yourself to be Christian and you said yes to the new questions is that a valid Christian baptism? I understand where you are coming from and those are really interesting points.
I think when I was baptised I did it because I was 17 almost 18 and people were expecting it from me. I don't know what my real motivation behind it was now...
Anyone been baptised in another religon since leaving the dubs?
by misspeaches ini was just wondering if any of you have been baptised into another religon since leaving the jw's.. if you don't mind sharing i would love to know if it was a monumental decision for you to make?.
what was your status when you did it?
Hi HL (side note I love you avatar it always makes me smile)
Thanks for sharing that with me. That's really interesting about your daughter and your own experience with the Methodist church. I like your reasoning as well that you can't personally get baptised if you don't believe in the Trinity. Once duped by a religon I think you tend to get extra careful... I would be interested to hear the outcome of your discussion if you end up getting to have one with her!
And DoofDaddy (your avatar is new so yeah I'll comment on that too LOL)
thank you for sharing these thoughts -
It's more a matter of the mind and emotions and of course spiritual inclination.
That's given me food for thought as well... -
Oh don't get me started on the stupid people... My job is to help stupid people all day long... I have them breathing down the phone line...
MP - Hello IT Support MissPeaches speaking
S - Hello?
MP - Hello you've called IT Support, how can I help?
S - Is this IT Support?
MP - Yes it is. Can I help you with anything?
S - Oh yes hello. Its Stupid speaking. Um my computer won't work
MP - ooookay. Can you be a little more specific. Is there any power getting to it? What exactly is the problem
S - Well its locked you see
MP - Does it say who its locked by it should say it on the screen
S - It says here it can only be unlocked by Stupid or an Administrator
MP - Okay well what you need to do is press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then put your password in and press enter and it will work again
S - well i tried that and it didn't work
MP - so your password isn't working?
S - No its not. I locked my computer when I went to lunch and now I can't remember my password.
MP - Right so you've tried the password that logged you onto the computer a few hours ago?
S - Um I can't remember what it is
MP - (puts client on hold. Calls out to team - WE'VE GOT A LIVE ONE HERE!!! Returns to client) Okay lets reset your password... ... ...Some times the same Stupid will call on average once a week with the same stupid issue...
Lets see if i can post pics.
by Es inok this is my first attempt....this is a pic of my makeup and hair trial for the wedding es
Oh Es you are so pretty... I hate you!!! Well I don't hate you but I am jealoues... LOL
Well done on getting the pic to work... You'll be a computer genius before you know it!!!
Remember the 80's?
by Dimples inboy did this bring back memories
you're an 80's child if....
you had a crush on one of the new kids on the block members.. .
I'm a child of the 80's... AND PROUD OF IT!!!