Kudos to you and your wife. It seems to me that anybody who really tried to be of constructive help to these kids only got grief for it as I remember.
It's not hard for JW teens, it's impossible. (One of the things that made me leave)
i had to come home early from work today because a 17 year old girl came over to me and was all upset she asked if she could come up and visit with my wife and i. she said the brothers are always picking on her and she can not do anything right.
i asked,what have you done she said nothing every time it is some one making things up and she is tired of even trying any longer.
teenagers come from over all the area they they know they can come and talk to us and we will not judge them.
Kudos to you and your wife. It seems to me that anybody who really tried to be of constructive help to these kids only got grief for it as I remember.
It's not hard for JW teens, it's impossible. (One of the things that made me leave)
to all my friends or anyone who would like to support me, god knows i can use as many as possible, my dads criminal gardiner trial begins june 27 and 28 in orangeville ontario at the court house.. send lots of good energy my way............this will be the end of a very long journey.. vic
Best wishes!
do you ever find that you think you've gotten accustomed to the shunning, and then some small, stupid thing comes along to reopen the wound?
that's how i feel right now.
it's been a while since i've really thought about it; the limited contact has simply become routine to me.
Sorry to hear that Euph.
I've dodged this sort of experience so far though that may change in the near future. My folks have been warned that what they do to one of us (my sibs), they'll have to do to all of us.
i just had to share.
i took a week off of work.
i have been burning the candle ends and middle and am so worn out.
Three cheers for "unstructured" time!
i work at a bookstore that buys books for cash directly from the public.. we get maybe eighty or ninety people a day lugging in horrendously filthy boxes filled with roach droppings, mold, ancient dust and, oh yes, books.. among these books there is the occasional "find".. but, mostly (and disappointingly) it is 97% garbage.. today a fellow brought in three boxes full of typical dusty and unkempt books to sell his aunt was "getting rid of" that he thought he'd convert into easy cash.. i took his i.d.
and phone number and then looked at the boxes.. they were all jehovah's witness books!
bound volumes going back to the 50's, all the booklets, books, concordance, interlinear, bibles, etc.
Shame on you! Think of the great bonfire you could have made with all those books.
i get the impression that generally the rank and file jws are to be thought of as victims whereas the governing body are the real and only villains in this organisation.
do you think this is a valid opinion especially when it comes to the elders and circuit/district overseers who willingly enforce the gb's often criminal policies?
I'd have to give you a yes and no as well.
I think they're similar to young Waffen SS troopers who were programmed in the Hitler Youth, but every thinking person has to evaluate their actions and the results they have on others.
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
Kudos to you Kwin!
I like the idea of getting fitted with a camera/microphone if you do meet with them! I laughed at Clive Thomas' comment about the "learning pains" the org. has faced in regards to child abuse (CBC-Fifth Estate program) when I remember all the Catholic priest jokes JW's used to enjoy so much!
Hit them in their pocketbook if you can. It's seems to be the only place where they feel pain.
okay, i'm new as you all probably know, so my question may have been discussed several times in the past.
i'm just curious as to when some of you came to the conclusion that enough was enough and that you didn't want to attend the meetings anymore or not be a jw.
was it in field service, at home, at the hall?
It was two main things for me that slowly came up on me after finishing high school and drifting purposelessly in life.
One was the Orwellian nature of the cong. social stucture. Watching young people (I was about 21 at this time in a new town after moving away from home to aux. pioneer) engage in relativley normal, stupid adolescent behaviours that required that they lie and pressure/threaten/intimidate/exclude others that was the last straw for me.
The other was the "infallibility" of the GB who took fifty plus years to decide that smoking was a "sin", etc.... The fact that there was no debate or discussion allowed got me wondering about what else they could be wrong about (this was a couple of years before the "new light" in 1995) since they were obviously figuring it out as they went along.
I had my first real job in an office by this time (as a "good" JW youth, I led a pretty lonely, cloistured life) and decided I had to go to University if only to prove to myself that "I could have been something". I realized that most these "worldy" people were better moral individuals (or at least honest about themselves) than many of my peers at the hall who only filled me with distaste.
Soon after, I faded away.
having only recently discovered this site and finally having at my finger tips [the internet is great] compelling evidence that the jw doctines are nothing but the work of men i feel a need to take action.
people i care about are still wasting their lives.
[1] i would like to see some "ready made" resource's that have factual evidence, well articulated, and formated ready for printing that we could use to help current jw's see what is going on.
I'd have to side with the majority of the other posters here. JW's (even my own parents) will automatically categorize you as an "apostate" if your material is too well organized or if you argue too passionately. You need to act like a really laid back Jesus and not someone with an agenda (freeing them) to maintain a discourse with an org. member.
Collect and compile items for a "scrapbook" you can keep handy but only bring it out when someone demands to see the "evidence" (most will still accuse you of making it up!). It takes a lot of little seeds to start a JW on the road to critical thinking (especially lifers who've been programmed from birth) and it can take years. But I think they're worth it.
i having been "lurking" around here for about a month--right when i was disfellowshipped actually.
in a year long relationship--broke up-five months later had a bout of conscience and told on myself.
myself and my ex are disfellowshipped and now most of my former group of "friends" are getting in trouble.
Welcome to the forum Dfd! Hope to read some of your posts soon. There's a lot of great people here.