About what?
Welcome to the forum.
About what?
Welcome to the forum.
after you left the jws and entered your post wts era what sort of things did you learn about them that you found surprising?
there are some recent jws that haven't even heard of russell or even rutherford let alone of their objectionable conduct especially that of rutherford.
or they don't know anything about malawi and mexico, the ray franz incident and the witchhunt of the early 80's, or the organ transplant ban.
I knew practically nothing before I started lurking on this site (a little embarassing for a supposed history buff) about my old organization. I still plan to share a few "gems" with my old man one day soon.
personally, i play tennis about 5 times per week , especially in the summertime.
what's your favorite sport to play or watch?
To play: Hockey (usually a dirty gentlemen's game)
To watch: CFL Football (a lot more interesting than that slow American version)
i received an sms last night from ozzie himself saying on saturday he collapsed and had to be taken by ambulance to hospital.. he is being operated on again this morning (wednesday 29/6/05 australia time).
as usual with the particular operation he is having there are serious risks.
i ask his friends to send anything positive his way today.
Best wishes Ozzie and get well soon man!
i have read a number of experiences in this discussion forum and quite frankly, i would have to agree that many, if not all, were pretty terrible experiences if not all together traumatic.
i know that my personal 9-11 tragedy resulted in finding out that the watchtower society was involved with the united nations.
that pretty much said it all as far as my "career" in the organisation was concerned.
DISA...welcome to the forum.
I actually did rack my brain to think of something but the best I could come up with is a lack of fear of public speaking but that pales with the cost I paid to get it.
(There were some "good" things about the Nazi party as well I suppose-full employment-, national fitness programs, etc...)
As another information junkie, the 'net has been a great boon. Message boards/forums have surprised me with the learning opportunities (thru other peoples' hard won life/professional experience) that wouldn't have existed for most of us before.
i'll be hosting an apostatefest at my home in north york, ontario (15 miles from downtown toronto).
pm me and let me know if you are interested in coming.
i have a large yard, a screened porch, and a large house (if it rains).
Thanks Lawrence!
I'd bring a bottle of "screech" but I don't have enough time to get a Codfish (for the requisite kissing) sent up to me!
i fully admit to only having dabbled in the waters of philosophy up to now.
i kept on being put off by the smell... .
having said that, is there anyone more clued up than me about the subject who can tell me anything that might make me change my mind?.
Yes. philosophical studies can help one be more aware of one's thinking style (many of us are mentally lazy!) much like a basic understanding of psychology (personality profiles, cognitive styles, etc...). We are the result of our environmental programming (some good, some bad in most cases) and our inherited genetics.
Thinking requires work just like athletic activities require sweat! Don't be put off by intellectuals who delight in engaging in pissing contests ("nerds" can be just as competitive as "jocks") and ignoring real world experience. The key is balance (as always).
http://editorials.arrivenet.com/rel/article.php/4929.html .
for decades, the watchtower bible & tract society (wts) has been teaching .
change in teachings among jehovah witnesses .
Thanks Elsewhere.
A good article for further research with the timeline. Do you know anything about the author?
further to my previous thread i thought i would share an update with you on the situation with my mother... .
essentially my mother has been a jw for 30 years and we had a long conversation which involved me running through my reasons for no longer going to the meetings; she seemed quite receptive and agreed for me to send the documents and articles relating to the un.
well that very evening she went to see her elders without actually seeing the documents and asked about the un saga....apparently the elder told her that 'this was all sorted out ages ago and yes this has come from the apostates' 'the society has never been a member of the un and that this just a hoax designed to stumble people....' hmmn.
I sympathyse fully with your dilemma since it's so similar to my own with my parents and their somewhat fragile faith ("where would we go?").
However, she agreed (if I recall correctly) to look at your evidence fairly didn't she? Get the source documents from the U.N. and hold'em in reserve for a future argument. Your mother is being lied to (to what extent will you permit this?) and she's inferring that you're stupid/gullible or an outright liar yourself if she won't at least compare facts!
If you both have regular contact an opportunity will likely present itself down the road the next time she mentions honesty, fairness, truthfulness and so forth.