How Has The Internet Transformed Your Life?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Like all relatively modern technology its helped it for a transformation...I wouldnt say so although I do have a wider resource of information at my fingertips nowadays.
Doubtfully Yours
Banking 'on line' is grrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!
The internet is amazing. It makes it possible for many people to work at home so you don't have to go out to work in an office. You prepare work and send it over the net. Also while P2P is not illegal here it is possible to download a lot of music for free, and finally it is possible to find an incredible wealth of info, and often qustions you have can be answered on one forum or other.
Why Georgia
I met my husband on AOL....almost 8 years ago.
I would have never found Xjw's if it weren't for the internet and also all the information about the JW's. I probably would be a baptized JW now and extremely unhappy.
But besides that I haven't been into a Blockbuster Video since Netflix and I think that's fabulous! Also online banking and billpaying..and work of course.
Being an information junkie, It has placed the world at my fingertips . . .and that's good and bad for me. I can get caught up in a subject and before I know it 4-5 hours have passed and I haven't done my chores or ran my errands. I'm hooked.
I do all my travel arrangements on line. And when it comes to medical questions, it has really saved my life. I remember my parents used to have a medical book they used to refer to when we were kids and they had questions. I use the internet, and with 2 small ones, there are constant medcial questions. Saves alot on the long distance phone bills, I just email friends instead. And having JWD,
sweet tee
In addition to all the benefits already mentioned (including on-line dating) the greatest transformation came from learning that JW's are not the true religion, but a high control cult. The freedom that came from that realization is truly, truly priceless!!!!!!!!!!
I have discovered that I can get free flights to anywhere I want by going into chat rooms and pretending to be a lonely 18 year old girl who is confused about all of the changes and new feelings she is experiencing.
Elsewhere . . .