This one is a hard one. There are so many twists and turns we have taken in our lives that we have ended up today where we are at. It is all unique! If my family had not become jw's, there could have been thousands of ways my life would be different than today.
Don't know if I would have gone to college or not, that one is a toss up since my family never had the means to help with it nor the desire to encourage it even without the jw influence.
It seems to me deep down, past jw experience or not, I still would have ended up being the same I am today. Perhaps I may not have learned some of the lessons I have, but I cannot see myself as being anything other than myself no matter what religious or non-religious background I could have had.
My basic opinion has always been that being a jw does not necesarily make one better morally etc like a lot of jw's like to believe. You know how some of them used to say "If it wasnt for the truth I'd be a drug addict or have aids......." or " I'd be dead without Jehovah's help....". I think I would have ended up with the same morals that I have today, jw past or not.