I hope this means I'm not a newbie anymore!!!
I have made more progress in these 100 posts than I did in 25 yrs in the Org.
i hope this means i'm not a newbie anymore!!!.
i have made more progress in these 100 posts than i did in 25 yrs in the org.. moanzy
I hope this means I'm not a newbie anymore!!!
I have made more progress in these 100 posts than I did in 25 yrs in the Org.
the more the governing body warns about the dangers of the internet the worse it gets.
i think they are going to keep going in the direction of more and more warnings until everybody in jwsville sees the light.
I think they are going to have the most trouble trying to convince the young about the internet evils.
Young people are more adventurous and want to find out for themselves what is so evil about it. These are the next generation JW and it is going to be difficult to keep the growth of the Org up when they all leave because they checked out what the Society warned them not to do.
People like my parents age that can barely turn a computer on let alone surf the net are an easier target for the Society to keep their grips on.
i am very nervous about being in here.
i just got df'd last week and am unsure of how i feel about it.
i feel guilty but at the same time not.
Sorry Frog, didn't mean to sound like this was a" horrible apostate" site. Just according to JW rules this would be classified as an apostate site.
's research russel's and rutherford's teachings once they are baptized?
if not, where in their material does it instruct them not to?
how far back are they "allowed" to research?
I remember the boxes of old watchtowers and books from Bro Russels time that my grama had in her basement. Apparently they belonged to my dad who researched JW thoroughly and was DF'd as an apostate.
I remember my mom saying that the society didn't recomend reading the very old literature because it may "stumble" some. At that time the "finished mystery" book was still being used to study with newly interested ones after studying the "truth" book. It's funny they weren't concerned over stumbling some with that highly delusional book.
i have a dilemma (did i spell dilemma correctly?
): i am the only person i know, of any of my former witness associates, who left because i started doubting/stopped believing the teachings.
i did research on the internet, read books, talked to people from different religions, etc.
Check out Rod P posts. He lost his family because you can't reason with close minded people.
In my efforts to explain to my little girls why grama and papa aren't visiting us much and don't really like mommy much, I told my oldest that grama and papa "think" that God only loves people that go to their church.
My little girl replied "That's silly! They haven't even tried our church" It is funny that even little 6 year olds can spot their closed mindedness.
i am very nervous about being in here.
i just got df'd last week and am unsure of how i feel about it.
i feel guilty but at the same time not.
Welcome Susu, so glad you feel ok to come to this forum. When I was a JW and first started checking apostate sites, I used to look behind me for demonz.
I was so scared! I found out that these sites are really about getting true info out to the public and those that have been abused or treated badly by religion. Everyone is kind and supportive here and pretty much know what it is like to be disowned by everyone you love or know. It can get lonely at times. This place will help you not feel so alone and give you validation for what you are genuinely feeling.
Hope you find good friends here.
,,,,while they were witnesses?
We had an older brother in our congregation who sexually abused many many young kids in our hall. Many of these young ones ended up in Psych wards over it. When it first came out it was because his granddaughter didn't want to go to his house anymore. She finally told them what he was doing to her. Then so many young ones came out and told what happened to them.
He was reported to Police, spent about 3 yrs in Jail, was then reinstated. Then new cases finally came out and was disfellowshipped again. They finally moved him to another town. The neighbors around him found out about him and must of threatened him because he was scared to leave him apartment. He eventually committed suicide. Now I have heared that the some of these kids are now abusing the next generation and that congregation is trying to clean up the mess. The Society apparently sent my uncle and his wife home from Bethel to deal with this mess. This pervert was his father-in-law.
My sister was also molested by our uncle and has never been reported. (mom didn't want to hurt grama!!!)
you who are at bethel please do what ever you can to see that all the governing body get psychiatric help.
please do them the favor,,they are just caught in a trap thinking they are "really" god's spokeperson.
don't fall victim to these crazy person but make sure they get help.
Not sure! but I know JW's can Bash every other religion in the world, but if you are caught bashing them for the same things like say....child molesting or dishonesty you can get DISFELLOWSHIPPED.
i've seen how some are so burdened by the fact that they were witnesses, that literally, every day is a struggle.
are you in need of therapeutic help because you are or were a jehovah's witness?
Oh probably sparkplug!
I just don't get it. I was raised a Jdub my whole life. My dad was an elder and I regular pioneered and am very aware of what JWs believe. Does Joshua1914 really believe that everyone here just doesn't know what JW's believe.
That is so Naive! And I can personally call up my elder brother-in-law and my elders- wife sister and my elder dad and my regular pioneer mom if I have any questions. I just don't wish heap on any more abuse on myself.
Thanks Joshua1914 for wanting to help us all even if you have to twist the scriptures a little. "Each one must work out his OWN salvation" Pay attention as this is a very important scripture!!!! It is not up to any religion to save us. We each will have to answer for ourselves.
i've seen how some are so burdened by the fact that they were witnesses, that literally, every day is a struggle.
are you in need of therapeutic help because you are or were a jehovah's witness?
"everyone must work out their OWN salvation". Exactly why we don't need a religion to act like they are ticket to salvation.
Many of us who were JW weren't totally aware of this BASIC truth in the bible and now are suffering from things like depression partly because of an overbearing religion trying to hijack our personality and concience. Sorry to burst your JW truth bubble!!!!