You don’t say how long ago this happened about you being ‘tapped for money’. You were chosen for being perceived as a responsible person who had a job.
So, this in fact does happen because I had somebody say to me that it never happened to them. But, I remember it happened to me years ago and I also had a woman panhandler at a memorial. I said ‘No’ to her.
If this was years ago when there was ‘hope’ people could still get back on their feet, I wonder what it’s like now. All these Boomer JWs have reached retirement age.. They aren’t getting back on their feet and would expect handouts the rest of their lives… They have no skills and spent decades in the ministry when I was criticized for being in the workforce.
I wonder what percentage of Witnesses in any congregation did not prepare financially?? I would guess a considerable number. Of course it may vary from some who did a little to some who did nothing.
This is why I’m Glad I got out of the JWs ages ago... I would never tolerate any of them coming up to me looking for money.. I’m sure this is the new ‘normal’ there and I would not put up with it!