I encountered this attitude and got in a few heated discussions about things that happened to me and what I would and would not tolerate from people there. I agree that we all sometimes do things to offend somebody but what I noticed was that some there would arrogantly assume you were there to take their guff and they behaved accordingly - like they were getting their rocks off playing out some dominant role at somebody else's expense! I felt that if anybody had the audacity to think they were there to "test" me I would make all the trouble for them they could possibly want!
JoinedPosts by LongHairGal
Did they tell you to tolerate things as a "test"?
by LongHairGal ini encountered this attitude and got in a few heated discussions about things that happened to me and what i would and would not tolerate from people there.
i agree that we all sometimes do things to offend somebody but what i noticed was that some there would arrogantly assume you were there to take their guff and they behaved accordingly - like they were getting their rocks off playing out some dominant role at somebody else's expense!
i felt that if anybody had the audacity to think they were there to "test" me i would make all the trouble for them they could possibly want!
Why do you post here?
by seattleniceguy infor me, it's mainly the money and the women, i suppose.. no, but seriously, i was thinking the other day about why i post here.
in september it will be two years since i left the organization.
i don't much care for doctrinal debates anymore, and i usually pass on threads that are concerned with he-said-she-said kind of stuff inside the organization.
I post here so that the whole world can know what my experiences were with the JWs. I have every right to tell it.
They tried so hard for so long to silence so many people that they deserve to be exposed!!!
If anybody reads all these experiences and still decides to either stay a JW or to become one at least they will be making an informed choice.
by marianne infrom what i have gathered, you all were once jw's and now hate them or the organization?
do you still believe in jehovah and love jehovah?
i have to admit i dont like, actually i rather dislike, some of the sisters in my congregation and i know that's wrong of me, but some of them really think they are better than me and are quite judgemental.
It is hard not to hate them when you learn about their past and how they hid their history and all the horrible things that go on in the congregations.
It happens gradually. Over a period of time you will be worn down by one thing or another. But if "serving Jehovah" means you have to be around all those people who are either phony, back stabbing or otherwise troublesome, and follow teachings that will change as the others have had well I am not so sure. I also had a problem with the fact that they want you to bring people there as new members.
How could I bring anyone there when I knew in my heart that I didn't feel right about it all? I felt as though I would be bringing them trouble. -
The JW's Are Really In A Spiritual Paradise Now
by Honesty in.
compared to where they are heading if they don't accept jesus as their personal savior instead of the wt organisation.
any comments?
I used to hate when they made this statement in view of how bad a lot of things were. It occurred to me that they said this because they want us to get used to the fact that everything is crappy and we are ungrateful or something and we just have to change our brain and see it differently.
Kind of like the story about the emperor and his new clothes. -
Twin Towers\ Armageddon
by Es inhey all this may have been mentioned before.
i was thinking last night about when the twin towers fell and i remembered thinking how close armageddon must be did anybody else think similar....i guess it would only apply to those who were still in the borg at the time es
My Aunt used to have a saying. She said when you leave your house in the morning you don't know if you are going to put your key in the door again. Sad. But it makes me angry that I/we are put in danger over something we didn't cause and didn't want and had no say in. But I can't get into this.
I believe you if you said you were there because I was not. Another story circulated by them is that afterwards they were at ground zero either witnessing or helping (I don't know which). Anecdotal stories can usually never be proven anyway so you have to take a person's word for it.
Not wasting your time on people
by Markfromcali injust a really simple point here, have you ever noticed maybe after a particular conversation (or series of them) that looking back, it was a total waste of time?
like no matter what effort you make you just couldn't get through to actually communicate with the person you are talking to.
it may be easier to let it go for people you are not so close to, but probably a bit harder if say you have family in as jws.
I don't know what you are getting at either.
But with regard to wasting time with people in general I will say this.
Being a dub was being surrounded by a boatload of persons who weren't really your friends but just complicated your life.
Now it is all different. I have few friends but at least I know they are my friends - as opposed to a bunch of two-faced people who were just "there". I don't care if it sounds shallow or selfish but I am at a point in my life that I do not want anything or anyone in my life who is not good for me. I will not tolerate abuse from anyone. -
Twin Towers\ Armageddon
by Es inhey all this may have been mentioned before.
i was thinking last night about when the twin towers fell and i remembered thinking how close armageddon must be did anybody else think similar....i guess it would only apply to those who were still in the borg at the time es
The story about them locking the doors at bethel is not the story circulated at the hall so I don't know what the truth is. I am not calling anybody on this board a liar but what I have read here is directly opposite of what I heard there.
If you listen to anecdotal stories they made it sound like they were helping people that day.
I think it is a case of their word against the people who post on this board. -
It's official - 20 years out and free
by Lady Lee inok 20 years out only 10 years free (cuz sometimes i'm a slow learner).
yup may makes 20 years since i officially got the boot.
20 years since i lost my entire way of life and had to start all over - no money, no home, no education, no job.. there's a sad kind of irony here in that except for the education i'm sort of in the same boat.
Congratulations! I sorry for the pain you suffered and I hope it is over now.
I am so glad I was only a marginal dub so there are fewer mental chains to break. But it is hard just the same. -
Did you think they were hooked on titles and "classes"?
by LongHairGal ini couldn't stand all the titles and categories they had!
i felt they were hooked on respect which maybe in some cases bordered on adulation.
i had a problem with this because i always saw it as unchristlike.
Good points! I never really counted how many titles there were! But you are right when you say that they each all have an emotion attached to them. Kind of like pavlov's dogs. I guess that is what they are.
How infantile! How can any real thinking person be impressed by any of this? -
Did every congregation have one or two desperate singletons?
by diamondblue1974 in.
i remember in the kh i went to there was always at least one desperate singleton who would sniff around the single women particularly the ones which were his own age...he was mid 40s i seem to believe...never had a girlfriend and would have married anybody who wouldve had him.
there was no real harm in him...just lonely i expect but i think he made most women skwirm.. what about you...did your hall have its own resident 'single sister stalker'?
It is common for many women to gain weight after they get married. Also, men gain weight also I have noticed.
With the women the weight gain could have several reasons namely hormones, childbearing, life style change (cooking meals for his family) just to name a few.
It is not just as simple as saying "now I got my prize of a man so I guess I'll pig out". LOL