This tour guide of yours is extremely petite, or you are extremely tall....
Both. SHe was maybe 4'2" and I am 6'4".
i've got all these bethel pics to share with you and i hope i can the good ones posted.
i will only be posting ones of bethel... cause if you want to see nyc there are other places to do that.. .
here is the entrance to walkill... another good use of those voluntary donations.. here's the boys doing some work on... bindery equipment i think (at this point i was still half asleep).
This tour guide of yours is extremely petite, or you are extremely tall....
Both. SHe was maybe 4'2" and I am 6'4".
alcoholics anonymous claims that alcoholism is a disease.
somehow i think that is just a way of excusing the person from the responsibility that they chose to drink and they chose to let it become an addiction.. what do you think?.
Mitch Hedberg (comedian who recently passed away) summed it up best by saying:
Alcoholism is a disease, but it's the only one you can get yelled at for having. Goddamn it Otto, you are an alcoholic. Goddamn it Otto, you have Lupis... one of those two doesn't sound right.
were any animal domesticated at the time he went on? I mean were dogs popular yet?
i love this guy; he's on jon stewart's show but i have seen him in person..
here are some snippets of his albums, his appearance schedule, and his new book..
Lewis Black is hysterical... I especially like Ralphie May. He's a treat to see at a comedy club.
today i am 17. i just feel excited but i can't run up to witnesses and tell them... so instead i'll just quietly celebrate with all my friends on the board.
thanks guys-- you make life easier.
Today I am 17. I just feel excited but I can't run up to witnesses and tell them... so instead I'll just quietly celebrate with all my friends on the board. Thanks guys-- you make life easier.
i've got all these bethel pics to share with you and i hope i can the good ones posted.
i will only be posting ones of bethel... cause if you want to see nyc there are other places to do that.. .
here is the entrance to walkill... another good use of those voluntary donations.. here's the boys doing some work on... bindery equipment i think (at this point i was still half asleep).
Hi everyone,
I've got all these Bethel pics to share with you and I hope I can the good ones posted. I will only be posting ones of bethel... cause if you want to see NYC there are other places to do that.
Here is the entrance to Walkill... Another good use of those voluntary donations.
Here's the boys doing some work on... bindery equipment I think (at this point I was still half asleep)
THis one is me and our tour guide... SHe works in housekeeping. In this picture I was ready for lunch.
Now we've all heard about the presses that have been installed at Walkhill. I was semi looking forward to seeing the presses. However, the presses are encapsulated in rooms that keep the noise down, so, for those wanted to take pictures, they all came out like hell...
Who's that good looking fella? Just Kidding- its me.
I actually got to go into the bethelite library... It doesnt have all the stuff the GB has access to, but there's alot. Anybody spot any irony in these titles?
Anybody remember this old guy? In hind sight, I should have had my picture taken with him... that would have been quite comical... He is GB, but i can't remember his name... I wasnt too impressed. ANd remember... 12 of those are what runs the entire WTBTS.
Me and another brother decided to get caricatures made... I thought mine looked pretty damn good. Notice the cigar in the other guys mouth... We didnt ask for that.
Thats about all kids... I hope you enjoyed it and maybe if time allows I will post more later.
what is the deal with the male species thinking it is ok, to pick their nose in public??.
i find it repulsive .... it just seems to me,when i catch people picking their nose, in almost all cases,it is a man doing it..... do men, find it hard to find a kleenex???.
morty of the, taught my boys not to pick their booger's in public class...
here in the south, its epidemic, men come out of walmart , hold one nostril closed then blow wads out of the open nostril... ICK
Thats called a trucker blow. ANd I do apologize, cause I always find a paper towel or something.
well kids... i'm home from bethel.... i made it.
i didn't kill anyone, although i was tempted.
and the scariest part of all was: i semi-enjoyed it!
Aren't you glad that's done and over with?
Hell yes. I am so glad to be back at home away from all the sprirituallity of BEthel. We did go to the Farms. They no longer raise anything there except for apples... and thats where all the printing's been moved. They are needing less and less people there yet they continue to push people to apply for work there... And I do have my laptop and iPod back. I'm using them both right now... I think that the tours were actually semi-interesting because I got to look for different things than everyone else was. I've got make up work to get on... but I'll catch up with yall later.
well kids... i'm home from bethel.... i made it.
i didn't kill anyone, although i was tempted.
and the scariest part of all was: i semi-enjoyed it!
Well kids... I'm home from bethel...
I made it. I didn't kill anyone, although I was tempted. And the scariest part of all was: I semi-enjoyed it!
The seat were really close together... and being 6'4"... its hard to sit comfortably for that long. I stuck my legs out in the aisle and that made things much better except for one little kid who kept running up and down the aisle. I made him stop though... he ran past and i tripped, causing him to fall flat on his face.
Our busdriver was very old and very annoying. He was sort of mic happy- he loved to here himself talk. However, Because I was at the back of the bus, I could make all the smartass commments I wanted with no fear of him hearing me.
The tours were BORING. I asked some silly questions like "are these seats for the Governing Body" and "what is YOUR job". I dont if anyone has toured recently, but they give the tour guide an information sheet that says what to say. and at every place, they said we couldnt record their voice...
Our day in the city was exciting... I went off with another young person who has the same feelings i do. We ate a slice of NY pizza and went and enjoyed ourselves.
The best part: There was sister who was on the bus with her granddaughters who were 6 and 8. The sister is in her mid 60s. SHe obviously forwent her education for Jehovah's service and it was very evident when she said things. We drove by Ground Zero and her daughters asked what that meant. She told them that that was where the "empire trade tower" fell. I laughed for the rest of the trip. Yes, God's people are a mighty army... but maybe they are so stupid they can't get anything accomplished...
Pics to come later
aim- theycallmeb1gred i'd love to talk to yall sometime.