So...any single ex-jw hotties out there, who are not lying, cheating, alcoholics?
I'm not... not yet anyway. And, in spirit of the "no child left behind" program, I suggest you bring this along for some productive activities.
wew, well my divorce is, as of today and what a long hard road it has been, and unfortunatly more hardships are to come, since we have a child together.
my ex tried to delay it just yesterday by faxing a sloppy handwritten note to the judge, to tell him he couldnt make it because he doesnt have a license,(suspended for dwi) and hasnt attended any of the hearings at all.
he owes me over $5,000 for child support (deadbeat dad).
So...any single ex-jw hotties out there, who are not lying, cheating, alcoholics?
I'm not... not yet anyway. And, in spirit of the "no child left behind" program, I suggest you bring this along for some productive activities.
so my mother suprised me about a week ago by telling me we are going on a bus trip to bethel from april 13-17. for those of you who aren't used to this concept, american dubs seem to think that packing themselves on the bus with 60 other witnesses and driving for 4 days is somehow going to strengthen themselves spiritually.
well, i doubt that will work for me.
i was just wondering, is there anything i should look for/ be on the alert for?
You know, as an ice-breaker/conversation starter.
you know- itd be funny if i got kicked off the bus... Hopefully there will be some edgy youth who i can befriend and mislead. Or mack on.
so my mother suprised me about a week ago by telling me we are going on a bus trip to bethel from april 13-17. for those of you who aren't used to this concept, american dubs seem to think that packing themselves on the bus with 60 other witnesses and driving for 4 days is somehow going to strengthen themselves spiritually.
well, i doubt that will work for me.
i was just wondering, is there anything i should look for/ be on the alert for?
So my mother suprised me about a week ago by telling me we are going on a bus trip to Bethel from April 13-17. For those of you who aren't used to this concept, American Dubs seem to think that packing themselves on the bus with 60 other witnesses and driving for 4 days is somehow going to strengthen themselves spiritually.
Well, I doubt that will work for me.
I was just wondering, is there anything I should look for/ be on the alert for? Any tips/advice/methods for dealing with over zealous dubs hopped on Jehovah Juice?
Thanks a million.
has anyone heard about this?
a couple of relatives of mine are busy watching a couple of the wt videos for preperation for a meeting tonight.
anyone know what this is about or have any word on it?
Yes- Its on the David video. IT has a built in quiz that is the same questions that appeared in the KM for this month (so you can properly brainwash your kids). It also has an activity section that has things like "have your kids draw a picture of them standing next to goliath, and, pretend you are a reported. Assign one of your friends to be David. Interview them about their faith in Jehovah." Such BS! And the animation is cheesy as hell.
i bet many had their wives make it...... .
when i joined the jw's, i didn't know how to make a tie knot, and still don't.
i guess that if i tried, i'd look like this below.... .
ok quick recap of events leading to this.
my dtr married young to prominent family in wtbs...had dtr...dtr now 14 years dtr left hubby and wtbs about 10 yrs ago....she is doing very well in life...... she told me today her 14 years old dtr has not heard from her father (x-hubby) for over a month....why i ask???
?because she does not want to become a jw...............he now basically has very little , if anything, to do with her due to this.
shunning a child for NOT choosing to get babtised ?? crazy.that's against their own rules I think....
My mother pulled that mess. In fact the whole org does. If you get baptized, nothing but good things will happen. If you don't get baptized, you will die for not making your dedicattion.
i know its an old thread, but its fun and educational.. i had many, but the one that come to mind the most is.
the orgy!!!.
it was southern calif. about 1969. i was 20 years old.
We were doing unassigned territory in West Virginia. A woman came to the door holding her cordless phone and said" sorry, I'm on a long distance phone call" Right then her phone rang.
I fell out laughing and got the sh!t beat out of me later.
i am so upset right now that i cannot even get my thoughts clear enough to explain what just happened.
i just know i need to vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
background: my 17 yr. old neice doesn't want to be a witness.
17 is so close to 18 and freedom. Kids at that age are so frustrated by being held back and strapped to a religion they don't believe
THANK YOU!!! Now That's ^^ Food at the appropriate time!! Preach it sister!
my wife tried to get me this morning.
she called on her way home from work (registered nurse) and told me she got real sick during the night and had to go to the emergency room.
when i ask what was wrong she said she was pregant.
We have a teacher who is afraid of spiders... Today we put a tarantula in her desk... SHe literally wet herself. And the best thing is... SHE WASNT MAD.
The best one that has ever been done TO me was when a girl at school hid herself in a box in our storage room and I was sent in there to get something... And she jumped out, which scared the crap out of me.
we were told so many times that we were slaves 2 not only god but anyone in a secular position of authority.
so i feel that this only encouraged a subordinate and non confortational attitude with our employers.
almost 2 the point that that even those of us who are self employed never get 2 develope the killer instinct that is needed 2 compete in the business world.
This is one of my number 1 reasons for being on my way out of the org. A young brother at our hall got a full scholarship to a very prestigous medical school (Duke) and, of course he went. He is also black- so he get minority benefits, and because his schooling is paid for- all the minority money goes right into his pocket. Before he left for school- he said "I'm not scraping rocks for god. God can scrape his own god damn rocks."
Many of the sisters in my cong all think that he is working the system (taking the money). However- I think about all those who are on permenent disablity and yet pioneer... I'm sure we all know people like that.