Topics Started by cain
Revelation Book
by oscar inwhat does everybody think of the revelation book it is the red one,i am breezing thru it at the moment i can't believe how deep it is and thier explanation for each scripture.
Start of the '7 times' period in Daniel
by Noumenon in.
hi - would be grateful for any info on what russell and the early bible students believed as to when the '7 times', 2520 years, prophesy in daniel 4 started.
specifically, did they hold that the supposed 2520 year period started with jerusalem's destruction in 586/607bce or babylon's destruction in 539bce, and why?
Convicted Rapist Brother Thompson strikes AGAIN!
by Nathan Natas in
convicted rapist arrested again in u-district attack.
august 24, 2004 .
Convicted JW sex offender arrested again....
by jimbob inthis article appeared on komo news here in washington state.
even though the article doesn't mention him being a jw, some of you may recall an article from the news that was posted here on jwd several months ago that told how he was released from prison after serving a term in prison for raping 4 of them with a broomstick.
while in prison, he became a witness, and i ended up meeting his grandmother out in service in 1988. she encouraged me to write to him to give him "encouragement", which i did.
Jehovah's Witnesses to Support Government
by blondie ini wonder what policies he was talking about?.
jehovah's witnesses to support government .
copy of July 8th Awake
by jwgirlfriend indoes anyone happen to have a copy of the july 8, 2004 awake?
i heard there is information in their regarding changed views on celebrations.
i would really like to read that article.
Do JWs believe all wordly people die at armageddon?
by XQsThaiPoes ini was wondering a few things.
i am trying to avoid the complexe question fallacy so excuse me if this is worded strangely instead of just saying "do jws believe all wordly people die at armageddon?"..
1) did the watchtower change its teaching on the great tribulation and armageddon enought for you to call it a major change?.
When an Elder assigned to give a talk is a no show.
by Blueblades inhas it happened in your congregation?
an elder is going to be late, stuck in traffic or lost, and dosen't show up at all!.
according to the society's guidelines, ( yes!
Whats the circulation of the Watchtower and Awake these days ???
by run dont walk inhow many magazines get printed in 2004. watchtower =.
awake =.
and can someone tell me the circulation in 1988-1995 for both as well, .
Pro-j.w. site. Good place to learn "The Truth"?
by hubert inwhile searching the web, i happened across a site, and discovered it is a pro-j.w.
message board.
as i read some of the posts, i realized that there were a lot of "apostate" posts in here.