Do JWs believe all wordly people die at armageddon?

by XQsThaiPoes 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Myauntfanny Right now the message seems to be forget about the "good" worldly people they'll be fine, but you're a JW so you are the one that's screwed. I am happy to see all the varied teachings on Armageddon. People always hound JWs on doctrine changes and the Armageddon teaching, but rarely doctrine changes about the Armageddon teaching.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Officially they have made this new Armageddon doctrine and based it on a fallacy of presumption. I wish I had all of 2004's watchtowers they had some interesting quotes. If you believe what is printed then I assume it would look like this.

    1) Something prophetic will happen most likely declaring "peace and Security" even though is may not be world peace.

    2) Jehovah will get angry (I guess because war gods don't like almost world peace) and put it into the heart of the beast (now only political powers that oppose God?s rule) to destroy every religion on earth. The destroying of every religious person on earth is called the great tribulation (which now has a long undetermined length). Non-anointed JWs have no physical protection from this, but for some reason (probably for being in jail for conscientious objectors) some will survive. Some nations may try to prevent this but will get destroyed.

    3) Satan the devil and his demons will form an army Gog of Magog and take over the world (they don?t say how he just will), and turn his attacks to the anointed ?Christ brothers?. The other sheep I assume worldly people that don?t like taking orders from Satan the Freaking Devil, and the non-anointed JWs that are Getting slaughtered will some how gather around the anointed (probably metaphysically).

    4) Something happens in the sky, and announces Jesus 2nd coming (isn?t this from the rapture) with all these warrior angels in tow. This is the start of Armageddon. The sheep are picked from the goat from the two groups left on earth people that want Satan to rule the earth vs. people that want Jesus to rule the earth. I assume the people that want Satan to rule the earth will be judged harshly since they are ?touching his eyeball?. Then Jesus and his death angels kill everyone not on the VIP list, and fight Satan and his demons eventually binding him for 1000 years. All the people that died before step 4 will be resurrected in the new order.

    At this point I am wondering is Stan Lee or Jack Kirby on the bethel writing team. The only way this can work out where only JWs make it is every person on earth decides they love Satan the devil. Since all the religious people are dead you could assume that maybe they would objectively pick Satan ignoring all his mythology. That is still hard to swallow.

    What is with the R&F being used for cannon fodder now days? All my life I have been taught that Jehovah would protect the JWs during all of this. Why now is he only protecting 8000 old people and crazies? And how come all those evil worldly people slaughtering themselves including Babylon the Great will be resurrected. In the old days the great tribulation was a foreshock of Armageddon now it is the main event killing untold billions, and lasting years. Maybe they forgot to add some fact that prevents the people that die in the tribulation from being resurrected, but because JWs will be killed in the tribulation I doubt it because they would have to change the sheep and the goat again.

    If anyone has information that contradicts this current view let me know. Sine they have stopped writing about Armageddon in general I have pieced this together from paragraphs of various magazines because they wont explain it in its entirety anymore.

  • cain

    xq do i sense a hint of sceptism in your post ?


  • myauntfanny

    XQ, now I'm even more confused. You're saying your interpretation of the latest materieal is that only the anointed are guaranteed to live through Armageddon? Can you extract any quotes to back that up?

    But you're a little different than other JWs (no offense meant) and I bet the others don't believe that. Am I wrong?

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I dont know what type of garantee they have. If you consider that 10 people are on the GB, and the GB does have plans for the tribulation. That may be "their protection". Now all those old people are your hall or that crazy guy that never takes his meds I don't know if they are as protected. Realistically they base this on sopme interpetation that the anointed will still be around at the end. Since the numbers are supposed to be dewindling those left will be protected by jesus coming and saving them. The problem is the numbers are not dewindling unless 90% of them are falsely anointed but still being counted.

    The non anointed have zero physical protection, but have some spiritual protection that suppossed to keep their moral up. This is a stark contrast to the 1975ish invincibility bubble that would protect Jehovah's people at the end. No they are telling us to expect collateral damages when satan attacks the anointed.

    I can't find my mags from this year ill post some qoutes later. I assume if the jw kept up with their reading and beliefed what was on the page then they will come to a simular conclusion. Guys we really need someone to host the mags. Until they put them on cd.

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