hey they could make him the map servant ?
code upgrades for the house to house record
dnc: do not call
cb: call back
nah: not at home
nioh: newly interested ones house
bs: bible study
bapfr: back alley perfect for rape
convicted rapist arrested again in u-district attack.
august 24, 2004 .
hey they could make him the map servant ?
code upgrades for the house to house record
dnc: do not call
cb: call back
nah: not at home
nioh: newly interested ones house
bs: bible study
bapfr: back alley perfect for rape
i was wondering a few things.
i am trying to avoid the complexe question fallacy so excuse me if this is worded strangely instead of just saying "do jws believe all wordly people die at armageddon?"..
1) did the watchtower change its teaching on the great tribulation and armageddon enought for you to call it a major change?.
xq do i sense a hint of sceptism in your post ?
while searching the web, i happened across a site, and discovered it is a pro-j.w.
message board.
as i read some of the posts, i realized that there were a lot of "apostate" posts in here.
hubert - faithful dubs aren't online - the GB said the internets demonc.
(passing out) cain
how many magazines get printed in 2004. watchtower =.
awake =.
and can someone tell me the circulation in 1988-1995 for both as well, .
run - ask someone who cares - lol
does anyone happen to have a copy of the july 8, 2004 awake?
i heard there is information in their regarding changed views on celebrations.
i would really like to read that article.
blondie - like i was saying - "duh...the borg said i can make up my own mind....duh"
if the truth be known the bible is linked to "pagan" tradition - the jesus myth is similar to the egyptian osiris myth and the persian mithras myth
but the dubs have no respect for anything other than the worse cases of their own brand of stupidity so i don't know why i'm wasting my time writing this post
.(after midnight) cain
i wonder what policies he was talking about?.
jehovah's witnesses to support government .
blondie - the policies that allow the dubs to rort the system - what else?
comments you will not hear at the 8-22-04 wt study (july 15, 2004 issue) abbreviated
review comments
will be in black and parentheses ().
hello blondie - LMFAO - especially over the 1 day old babies and all 6 billion parts etc
tnx cain
does anyone happen to have a copy of the july 8, 2004 awake?
i heard there is information in their regarding changed views on celebrations.
i would really like to read that article.
uhm.....let me see if i've got this right - in this situation the rule is that it's ok to make up my own mind
i was wondering a few things.
i am trying to avoid the complexe question fallacy so excuse me if this is worded strangely instead of just saying "do jws believe all wordly people die at armageddon?"..
1) did the watchtower change its teaching on the great tribulation and armageddon enought for you to call it a major change?.
xq's - who cares? - it's all BS anyway - next time you find yourself contemplating this thought change your mind to something like the sexual fantasy channel - a much more productive use of your time and talent.
lol cain
i work for california's largest rv dealership and one the nation's largest as well.
my title is finance sales manager.
(big deal this is not the point of the thread.... please read on but that info effects the ending).
hello sally
firstly i want to say i havent read anything of yours before and i havent been on this board for quite some time so i know i'm probably not telling you anything new when i say that you are really an excellent writer.
anyways....................yea been there before.
has this woman got a written up job description? it should include a clause on respecting you. even though you'd think something like that would go without saying.
after reading your story i'm left actually trying to figure out how i can a job like hers - you know - getting paid for doing worse than nothing.