JoinedPosts by love11
Spring has Sprung - what is your favorite flower?
by AK - Jeff in.
mine is iris at the moment, although i love them all!.
by JW83 inokay, okay, i know i always ask you guys for help with essay topics, but this time i'm serious.
i've got an essay due in 4 weeks which is worth 25% of my honours year.
my topic is 'how did the rise of monotheism marginalise the place of women in religion & society'.
IMO- In nature and in life, there are always two parents that are required to create an offspring. When you consider the possiblity that only one GOD was the creator of all beings then it isolates the other gender. Whether it be one female god or one male god, it will still single out one parent. The fact that in todays western society there is mostly a male god, that idea will always make the woman feel insignificant. And nearly all of the women of the bible are portrayed as harlots, manipulative, and mere property. That, I would say, would have alot to do with women's self-esteem and how men treat their counterparts.
Were you caught, did you confess, or did you run?
by sass_my_frass inhi, fyi: d'f'd a month ago, and glad you're all here.
i'm just assessing the sum of the madness that happened since my parents guilt-tripped me into confessing what got me disfellowshipped.
i do very sharply recall that at the moment i decided to do so i had an overwhelming feeling of relief which at the time i thought was me hating the lying about what i'd done and wanting to come clean about that and clear my conscience as a witness, but have since thought might have been me hating the lying about how i feel about the organisation and wanting to come clean about that as a human, ie, whether i'd turned the corner as a witness or i was glad to be getting away from it.
Thanks chia, good now, and tijkimo! You guys are great!
Java- How could you do such a horrible thing, like trying to help those kids? LOL That's too funny! lol crazy.. crazy....
I'm cleaning out my closet!!!
by purplesofa inlooking in my closet this morning, i saw all these clothes that i bought for the meetings .............. i would not be caught dead in now!!!!!!!.
long frumpy skirts........blouses the my grandma would not wear........i really struggled, and even was more "hip" than most.........ugggggggg.
did you experiance the same thing??.
My outfits always looked like I was trying to be on a bad soap opera. Maybe I was an old baptised black woman in another life. LOL!!!!!!!
Were you caught, did you confess, or did you run?
by sass_my_frass inhi, fyi: d'f'd a month ago, and glad you're all here.
i'm just assessing the sum of the madness that happened since my parents guilt-tripped me into confessing what got me disfellowshipped.
i do very sharply recall that at the moment i decided to do so i had an overwhelming feeling of relief which at the time i thought was me hating the lying about what i'd done and wanting to come clean about that and clear my conscience as a witness, but have since thought might have been me hating the lying about how i feel about the organisation and wanting to come clean about that as a human, ie, whether i'd turned the corner as a witness or i was glad to be getting away from it.
The funny thing is, I didn't do what they were accusing me of. But my mom ratted me out and told the elders that I spent the night at a worldly boys house. I did spend the night there, but it was completely innocent. We stayed up to 4-5 in the morning just talking and started watching a movie and fell asleep. In the morning when I went home, my mom said that she already called the elders. I said I didn't want to meet with them and they said that I had to or I would be disfellowshipped. I met with them, and they would not believe me that a worldly boy wouldn't try anything with me. So I was disfellowshipped.
I think they just wanted me out because I had ratted on my dad to them. In the past we would go to the elders and they wouldn't believe us. So when I had enough from my dad, I positioned a tape recorder in the living room behind the couch. It was set up so that when ever he started acting up, I would just turn light switch on and the tape recorder would turn on and record what was being said. I didn't think that I got anything substantial because I had seen my dad act worse then that. He was disfellowshipped right after that. Then my parents separated and everything just went down hill from there. Long overdue! So that's why I think they had it out for me, because of being so secretive. It's funny how my one act of being secretive upset everything so much, yet he was secretive for years and everyone thought he was great. But only jw's thought that! Sorry I got a little off of the subject I must have needed to say that today. Thanks for listening.
Now that the weathers getting nicer, I noticed that there is alot less posting going on. That could have something to do with it. Dunno!
In empathy I got a 57= above average
In systemizing I scored 33= average
how do u do the pics??
by crazyblondeb ini'm pretty computer illiterate.
plus my computer is possessed by my ex-husband!
how do ya'll do the pics out to the side?
Hiya welcome- For your avatar picture, go into your profile and click in the box that says upload picture from your computer, then click browse. The picture you want to upload has to be in your computer, so that when you browse through the files and folders in your computer you can click on the picture you want and then just click ok. But you may have to resize the picture (like 100x100) to have it fit in the avatar space. That's how I did it.
Pathetic Geek Stories
by Elsewhere inlol... anyone ever seen this?.
ok, i admit it... i was a total geek growing up so this thing makes me cringe when i read it.
AWW... that's cute. I've never seen that comic before today. I like to read stuff like that, not run of the mill stuff.
I'm sure you've heard of this guy- Dave Cooper. My favorite is his "Weasel" books. I love that collection! If you haven't read it, you need to check it out. Really good stuff.
Our need for friends....
by love11 in.
i found this really nice article about our innate need for friendship.
here it is..,1,2933266.story?coll=la-home-headlines&ctrack=2&cset=true
I found this really nice article about our innate need for friendship. Here it is.