I think... busy lives.
At least that's my excuse when I can't visit.
was just reading the topic "its time to say goodbye" and it makes me wonder what is it that makes people who have been here for a long time leave?
i couldnt imagine leaving this forum i love it and the people in it :) es
I think... busy lives.
At least that's my excuse when I can't visit.
ok spill it... its good for you..let it all out.. tell us..what embarassing things did you do as a kid?.
i have many many many many stories.. ( you dont think i got this disfunctional easily did you?
Farted at a quick built kh when I bent over to pick up my spoon that dropped. Hey, they were serving beans!
it's been awhile since i wrote, but i've been crazy busy with school work!.
my fundamental christian neighbors gave my kids this video to watch.
- "the creation adventure team".
I guess this makes the MILLIONS of pounds of fossilized bones irrelevant?
Oh they were planted there by satan and his demons. LOL HAHAHAHAHA
it's been awhile since i wrote, but i've been crazy busy with school work!.
my fundamental christian neighbors gave my kids this video to watch.
- "the creation adventure team".
Special thanks to tetra and abaddon. You made me laugh and was very insightful. XOXOXOXO
it's been awhile since i wrote, but i've been crazy busy with school work!.
my fundamental christian neighbors gave my kids this video to watch.
- "the creation adventure team".
Tammy- The crazy thing is that she made photocopies from some book that had all of this information in it. Almost like the church is counseling them about us because they didn't know what to do, so they handed them this literature to be able to come back at us. If the only "proof" they can come up with is bible literature and literature written by other christians, then their arguement falls flat. I guess that's when they'll pull the ol' faith trick out of their hats. Kind of like voodoo. hehehe
it's been awhile since i wrote, but i've been crazy busy with school work!.
my fundamental christian neighbors gave my kids this video to watch.
- "the creation adventure team".
I told my kids that if they try and talk that way again, just tell them, "That's your belief, not mine." And if they try and press it further just come on home until their "zeal" runs it's course and then try it again another day.
They seemed to like that idea.
It's pretty weird looking at this religion from the outside. No wonder why people used to look at us weird when we came to the door. They aren't jw's, they are baptist, but still. I actually felt sorry for them, they looked rather pathetic standing there sweating in the sun with skirts and suits on. Even the baby had a suit on! I just hope that they either all stick together with this religion or they all leave together because we all know how it tears families apart.
Speaking of which.... as a side note to this story. My mom called me today. She's in town for an assembly. I haven't seen her in about 8 years I think, or talked to her in 6 years. She's never even met my son or seen pictures of what he looks like. She said that she will be in town for a month and wants to take me and my kids to the zoo. Just like that....... weird ......So I said yes, not because I want a relationship with her but because if she dies I don't want it on my conscience that I wasn't nice to her when she tried to make up. But it felt more like a distant aunt that I hadn't spoken to in 20 years inviting me to the zoo. (It's bizarre and refreshing how unemotional I was to her calling.) I didn't even recognize her voice, even after she told me who it was I still didn't recognize her. I guess it's been that long. So anyways, I think she's thinking that I'm supposed to be happy that she wants something to do with me now. The last time I talked to her it was more like yelling over the phone, spurting out all of my anger at her and the religion. Now I'm nonchalantly taking it all in. I don't care if she thinks that I'm meeting her for her benefit because it's really all about me. Why should I live with feeling bad the rest of my life for how I treated someone that was cruel and unloving to me. I'm giving her the guilt by showing up. Well... that's what's going on. I'll update when it all happens, maybe in a different thread though. Thanks for the feedback. Love
my mom tells me of a conversation with my mother-in-law she had at a family party a couple of weeks ago.. now, to set this up, let me give you a few details.
my wife's brother lives in another state.
he quit the witnesses pretty much right after moving out there, and this has been almost 20 years ago.
They don't want to see outside their own world that they have invented.
ive enjoyed being at this board the past 2 years or so, but im afraid i have to leave now.
i wish you all the best.
You should sing that song at the end of the 'Sound of Music'.
So long, fair well, .............goodbye,goodbye,goodbye.
Just kidding. I understand.
why do europeans wear these things to the pool?
matters of fashion tend to be subjective,but not in this case.
they look like crap, why cant you see it?
Oh I see it alright!
it's been awhile since i wrote, but i've been crazy busy with school work!.
my fundamental christian neighbors gave my kids this video to watch.
- "the creation adventure team".
UPDATE!!! hehe
Guess who paid a visit to my door today?......Yep, they did. The whole family came over and said that they just wanted to stop by since tonight was reach out to your neighbor night at their church. The father handed me a pamphlet inviting me to their church. I accepted it and was nice to them. I told them that I hope they didn't think I was trying to change them by sending them the evolution papers, I just wanted to let them know where I stood on things. And I went into how I know how they are with their beliefs and I would never try and change that. So basically I did the neighborly thing and smoothed things over. The little girl just hung her head down in shame. I think we all know that look. I think they just wanted to see if I was as upset as they were, so now everything can get back to "normal". (I hope) They said that they figured I knew alot about the bible by the material I sent to them (?) Oh... and the pamplet is even cheesier than the jw pamphlets. For a minute there I thought that I was looking at a church in the appalachians or people from the 1800's.
All I can say is.... That's good for them!
But for me and my household, we're sooooo glad to not have to get up that early on a Sunday morning!