Thank you so much for your responses, you made my day!!!!!!
Sorry I haven't looked on this site until today. Tuesday is finals! YAY!
Anyways, we were BBQ-ing outside the other day and my kids wanted to go play in their backyard. They have a privacy fence and from where my backyard is I can see the back steps of their house but not the backyard due to the fence. So my kids walked over there and Abby said that she couldn't play but never gave a reason but said that she could talk through the fence. The whole time they were talking, Mr. B was standing there on the steps listening to what they were saying. Now today, my kids went over there again and the kids can't play today.
So I don't know what's up with that, maybe they're afraid that my kids will try and influence their kids they way they tried to do with my kids.
My daughter has been telling me more and more things about those kids. She said that Abby was telling her about the dinosaurs still being alive today and my daughter said, " Will you still be my friend if I tell you that I don't believe that". Abby said no! Crazy huh!
It's really too bad because I've taught my kids to be respectful of all people and to be open and free-spirited. I told my kids when we first moved here that it's nice they have a friend, but there may come a day when people will judge you for not believing the way they do and if that happens just know that you are good people and loving towards all people, not just people like you. That's what makes you a better person than they are. It's too bad that day has come!
Maybe that's why I haven't told my kids to stop going over their house, because it's showing who is more forgiving, loving, and tolerant of other people. I don't want to be like them. And I know that my kids will not believe other people when they say, "Your parents are bad." My daughter and son have both stuck up for us and their beliefs/ non-beliefs. When Abby told my daughter that Pokemon was satanic, my daughter just said, "No it's not! If you think my toys are satanic then I'm leaving." LOL Plus it does add to the excitement. ;)