i stopped a vulnerable young girl from being disfellowshipped. she had a horrible upbringing including being abused and then abandoned by a knife wielding mother - and she had just been ditched a few weeks before her wedding. her crime was to steal some money from her grandparents in a momentary lapse of reason. the other 2 elders wanted to df her on the grounds that they did not like her father. usually 2 against 1 would be enough to df but i managed to convince them that this was too harsh ..and common sense prevailed - at the time i felt it was the holy spirit working thru me.
a few years later...i was involved in a judicial comittee dealing with a repentant genuinely sorry mentally drained hospitilised person who it took 2 minutes to df...i know cos it was me df-ed this time..where was the holy spirit there...
beginning of the end