OK i started another thread and every one jumped on me because i was trying to take the theory of evolution out of the mix and most here seem to believe in it so i will just say it. The theory of major Evolution is crap! The theory is falling apart. First there the idea that random changes are made and that make for better and more unique species, except computer programmers have noted that when code has randoms added the code deteriorates.
Scientists have also noted that most life seem to pop up in the Cambrian time period and that just to all of a sudden for the Darwin slow as you go evolution theory as scientists say is needed.
Also the biggest stretch in the evolutionary chain is the splitting of the species in to male and females. Both sexes need to develop and be incomplete harmony with one another in terms of their complete reproductive organs, genitalia, sperm, eggs etc. with in one generation or the whole thing collapses. Even harder is that of plants and trees that require a third party to move the pollen, IE bees.
Even more significant then this is that in no time in history other then mankind has there been shown a creature that was able to create some thing that it did not know it even could create. What I mean by my bad grammar is a animal that did not have eyes does not know it can see and does not have the ability to even understand light, darkness etc. so to then go about creating eyes to see something it did not know it could see is ridiculous. Have you ever talked with a person born blind, that person does not know the concept of sight and can not even imagine it if a sighted person tries to describe it to them.
Last but not least evolutionist can not explain how the laws of physics came about under the evolutionist theory. Light ,darkness, density, cold , hot, sound, etc. More and more scientists are coming forward and are unraveling the theory of evolution.