Anyone out there have any personal experience with this? Just looking for input and suggestions.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Panic Disorder/Agoraphobia?
by caligirl inanyone out there have any personal experience with this?
just looking for input and suggestions.
JW ex-husband's influence on kids
by serenitynow inhi, i am new to this forum.
i was hoping for some advice ... how do i protect my kids from exposure to jw teachings when they are visiting with my ex.
he was brought up a jw until we met and married over 20 years ago.
How old are your children? That will likely be a factor in how malleable they are to the religious teachings. A thinking mind is much less vulnerable, as is a happy mind.
I would say that gobbling up anything and everything on teaching critical thinking skills (age appropriate to each child) would be a great start. Amazon has a huge selection.
my daughter leaves for the ARMY thursday
by purplesofa ini have four sons and my youngest is a daughter.. she leaves for the army on thursday.
i am in a state of panic and emotion to try to convince her to not go.. i just heard on tv that becuase of the rising violence in bahgdad, bush is sending more troops to iraq.
the developments in isreal and lebanon only seem to be escalating.......the un asking britian and us for help but because of prior commitments......(iraq) are unable.
I can see from a parent's perspective how hard it is for you to let her go.
My personal opinion, is that you have raised a wonderful daughter who understands that we have our freedom because of people like her who are willing to stand up and go do whatever they are asked to do to maintain that. I know many who read this will not share my opinion, but my opinion would be the same even if there was not a war going on.
Hug her goodbye and tell her you are proud of her for what she is doing, even though you are scared. .
And a heartfelt thank you to you for raising a daughter with values, convictions and the personal strength of character that has made her the person she is today.
FRESH OFF THE PRESS.... 9/1/06 WT "When a Loved One Leaves Jeh."
by schne_belly in.
this just in for your reading displeasure......enjoy
Positively revolting. Same old crap, different tree.
I wonder if this will affect how my parents treat us (my siblings and I) So far, as long as we don't talk about anything, they act like everything is normal.
I know it will affect how my step son treats us. He is already teetering under the pressure to cut us off, even though we are not DF or DA, just faders, and he is 18 now and expected to shun us now that the court doesn't force him to visit.
Ever work for Witnesses?
by free2beme ini worked for a witness owned business for 10 years.
three as a witness and seven as a former witness.
it was a formal wear (tuxedo) store.
Yes, twice. Both times were a huge disaster. What is that saying? Burn me once, shame on you... burn me twice, shame on me? I was a complete idiot who talked myself into it with the "This time will be different" speech.
Help With Insomnia
by metatron ini frequently have insomnia - but have found some help in getting back to sleep.. first, stop talking to yourself in your head!
if you get up to go to the bathroom, don't allow any internal dialog.. second, try doing the "wave".
you pretend that a gentle wave is moving your body in bed.
Well, that is great for occasional insomnia, but with chronic insomnia & anxiety it is just not possible to shut down the inner dialogue. That is the whole problem.
Natural remedies do not seem to work for me, though I continue to try them and resort to Rx meds only when I get desperate.
Spent time in the ER this weekend with my husband........seizures.......
by Alana inmy husband has epilepsy, but only nocturnal seizures and he has had it very much under control.
in fact, in the 5 years that we've been together, i've only witnessed about 5 or so seizures....and they have been mild ones.
however, due to the side effects of his meds (weight gain, etc.
So sorry to hear that Alana. I hope that the new medication helps. I have a cousin that has epilepsy, but I don't know any details about his medications.
Hugs to you and Mr. Alana and hope that everything gets better for you both.
Why is truth is so hard to find in Bible
by The Dragon ini have been studing it for years looking for answers....yet for every answer i find there is a counter to it.
the words themselves are twisted by leaders/teachers to fit their personal opinions and adgendas, as well as twisted by trying to rely on our own reasoning to understand them.. a good example would be the way our current system of laws work.. if the supreme court writes a law into the book..say for example.."evil" is anyone who does this....... it is then turned over to a bunch of undereducated enforcers to interpert and judge others they feel are "evil".
they are allowed to accuse and shoot first asking questions later.
I don't think the bible is supposed to provide all the answers to you. That would negate needing a brain.
The bible is a guidebook, not a rulebook. The only concrete glaringly clear message I ever gleaned from the bible is treat others as you want to be treated. It tells us that we have a responsibility to live our lives in such a way that we bring glory to God for all that we have and to take care of our families. It tells us that everyone has different talents, that we don't all fit into a mold.
It tells us to find our skill or niche and use it to help others as a way of glorifying God, whatever that may be. Beyond those things, I see a book of stories meant to give us some idea of ways to do good for others and expects us to use the gray matter between our ears to figure it out on our own.
my bethel servise left me seriously depressed!!!!
by xcaliber ini auxilary pioneered for a year, then i regular pioneered for 2 years while serving as a ministerial servant.
then i served at bethel for 3 years.
while at bethel i worked harder then i have my hole life.
Welcome to the board - Sorry you are having a rough time.
I'm assuming you are male.
1) Do not get married if you are not in a position to support your family. Do you have any idea the stress in a marriage when there is not money to meet basic necessities? How bout adding a child to the equation of no money? You owe it to yourself and your fiance to be able to support your family.
2) Run, don't walk, to your nearest community college and sign up for classes. It sounds like you have interest in something medical, and there is always something available in the medical field.
3) Go apply for a job..any job..get out and meet people. There are countless jobs out there that are available to anyone. Anyone can make hamburgers or bag groceries. There is no job that is beneath you. You have a responsibility to take care of yourself. There is nothing wrong with being afraid as long as your fear does not stop you from doing what you must do. You have been out of the real world by being at Bethel. I would imagine it is a shocker to be kicked to the curb without so much as a thank you for all of the personal sacrifices that you have made to volunteer there. Stop isolating yourself to the congregation. They are not going to help you pay your rent or feed yourself.
4) Go to a doctor and talk to them about anti-depressants. It is no wonder that you are depressed after your experience. Counseling is not a bad idea either.
Your post strongly suggests that you are at war with yourself. You have seen the inner workings, and you are seem dismayed at what you have seen, and it is no wonder. It is a shock to see the reality up close when you have been taught the fantasy all of your life. It causes no small amount of mental distress to have those contrasts thrown in your face like you have had by working at Bethel. At the same time, you still want to believe that the world of the witnesses is as perfect as you have always been taught. The truth about what it all really is is very hard to reconcile with what you always thought it was supposed to be. I am sorry for your experiences, but I hope that you use it as a wake up call to do something with your life and not count on God to destroy the world soon to solve all of your problems. God helps those who help themselves. The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. Best wishes to you, and I hope that your life gets better.
Announcement at Alaskan District Assembly
by Gary1914 inthere was an announcement at the alaskan district assembly last week that the alaskan branch will now be integrated into the us branch.
prior to this alaska's number were always counted separately.
i wonder what this means?
Thanks, sf.