Paduan - I don't know where that scripture is... I am not good with those details, but I do have a memory of a scripture that says something like that. I spent years purging my brain of anything remotely religious, and even when I was in, I didn't spend much time trying to remember things like that. Sorry I can't be more detailed. I just wanted to share what I was told, and let anyone who wants to read it take it for what it is worth on an individual basis. I definitely do not qualify as a bible scholar, nor do I want to. I am content to leave the scriptural disections to others.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
Yet another batch of "new light"
by caligirl ini was talking to my sister yesterday, who spent the weekend with our still active parents.
over the weekend, they all had dinner with another couple, who were sharing some of the "latest news.
" i am getting this second hand, but my sister is excellent at remembering exactly what was said.
Yet another batch of "new light"
by caligirl ini was talking to my sister yesterday, who spent the weekend with our still active parents.
over the weekend, they all had dinner with another couple, who were sharing some of the "latest news.
" i am getting this second hand, but my sister is excellent at remembering exactly what was said.
No pope, no relation to caliguy. Dragon, I have no idea why a talk like this would be given at a little podunk hall in New England rather than at a convention, but that is what was said. Just as ridiculous no matter where it was said, IMO. Jim, I am in complete agreement that they will try to make any situation seem positive and that they are attempting some serious damage control at this point.
Do you trust your instincts?
by haujobbz inits strange most of my life i have always gone with my instincts and they have proved most valueble, for instance i seem to sense things that will happen on a daily basis and most of the time my instincts are right.. like today i knew my landlord was going to evict me so he could renovate his house and i was right, today i got call to say he,s given us notice to leave.. also few years back i got robbed, and for some strange reason i knew my so called best friend did it,and days later i found out he had robbed me.. i seem to pick up a vibe from somewhere almost as if someones telling me something thats happening or going to happen.
its strange it must be some kind of sixth sense.
why didnt it work though when i was fooled by jws.
Absolutely. My family was in a serious car accident when I was a teenager. We were on our way home from an assembly. I was so tired, and even had a pillow with me to try to sleep on. But every time I started to lie down on the pillow, something told me to sit up. I had a sense the whole ride home that something was not right and that I should be sitting up and paying attention. It started to snow about 5 miles from home, and as we were going accross a bridge that was a sheet of ice, we T-boned a truck, and my sister and I ended up with very serious injuries, and for me, they would have likely been much worse had I been laying down and asleep. Another time, my now ex husband had planned to go out with the guys after work, and I planned all day to go shopping that evening before I went home. As I left work, I had this feeling that I should go straight home rather than go shopping. It was a 30 mile drive. When I got home, I found my house on fire. I was told that if I had been 5 minutes later, the entire house would have gone up. Small things, and not necessarily anything that I could have changed, but my instincts most definitely told me in both cases that something was seriously wrong.
Yet another batch of "new light"
by caligirl ini was talking to my sister yesterday, who spent the weekend with our still active parents.
over the weekend, they all had dinner with another couple, who were sharing some of the "latest news.
" i am getting this second hand, but my sister is excellent at remembering exactly what was said.
I was talking to my sister yesterday, who spent the weekend with our still active parents. Over the weekend, they all had dinner with another couple, who were sharing some of the "latest news." I am getting this second hand, but my sister is excellent at remembering exactly what was said. Apparently, someone from Bethel gave a short talk after the service meeting last week in which he revealed some of the "latest" from the annual meeting. Two major points were made: 1) The preaching work will cease before Armageddon begins, and 2) The scripture about 'going into the inner chambers and closing the door' is now "understood" to mean that witnesses will have advanced warning of the beginning of armageddon and will have the chance to hide or some other nonsense like that. My sister sat there stunned, completely understanding how ridiculous this "new light" really was, when you look at what the bible says, while everyone else sat there and nodded in agreement and just ate it up. My thoughts are that when they shut down from having to pay out $$$ for so many lawsuits that they are setting things up so that they can keep people on a short leash beleiving that it is a sign of the end, rather than admit any error or wrongdoing. Just thought I'd share that. I don't usually have any information since my parents avoid the subject with me, but since my sister is single, she still gets an earful whenever they can sneak it in.
Whats more tramatic Divorce or leave org?
by jurs inhow many of you have been through a divorce?
what was harder , leaving your spouse or leaving the org?
I would have to say that though the leaving of the org was traumatic in it's own way, divorce was worse. Divorce is a personal rejection.Leaving the organization was something that was initiated by me, whereas the divorce was not a personal decision. But both events have brought great bessings to my life that I otherwise would not have had.I would not have my wonderful husband, were it not for both of those life-altering events, so I am eternally grateful that my ex left me, and that I had the personal courage to leave the organizaton in which I had spent my whole life.
Edited by - caligirl on 15 October 2002 15:12:12
Elders w/kids that are removed
by TweetieBird inreading metatron's post about the inner circle made me think about some of the congregations that i have been in and the elder body.
i think the inner circle mentality applies also to elders with children.
i remember being in a hall where elder a's child got into some wrongdoing.
That is how it was in my hall growing up - One elder's child was a total sleeze, yet could do no wrong in the eyes of most people because he pioneered as a cover, so he was looked upon as being perfect and a great spiritual example. His dad was never looked down on and not asked to step down when his kid finally got DF'd , until the CO came in and did it himself. Another elder's children (who had not the slightest interest in pioneering, and were therefore not spiritually minded) were pretty much placed under a microscope for EVERYTHING and treated like crap. Their father was made to step down over his 18 year old being privately reproved. Small wonder that all the kids of the elder that were treated like crap are no longer in. At last update, the sleeze was a "respected" MS and running around cheating on his wife.
by seemybook insince many have asked me to let them know if i give another talk about my new book, awakening of a jehovah's witness: escape from the watchtower society, i want to let you know that all are invited to come to a one-hour speech that i will be giving on january 16, 2003 at 7:30 pm for the atheists of silicon valley at 425 lotus lane, mountain view, ca.
telephone:(650) 969-5314 (mark thomas, president) the public is invited.
there will also be a question & answer time, and booksigning, following the talk.
Knoxville, San Diego, Weymouth Landing
by Windchaser ini attended halls in these areas, anybody else?
e-mail me, if ya want.
What TV shows couldn't you watch as a JW Kid?
by WTLies inwe had a whole list of shows we were not allowed to watch including 'speed racer', you'll never guess why.
it was beacuse in the theme song it says "he's a demon on wheels" but then my mother was a jw fanatic lol.
No restrictions that I can recall outside of soap operas. We didn't have Cable until I was 10 or so anyways. My Mom was a pioneer (still is) and my Dad was a mechanic and worked part time out of our garage (and yes, other witnesses were the only ones who had a problem paying or expected a deal) I lived for summers when my Mom was gone and my Dad was out 'cause then I got to watch Days of Our Lives. Just had to learn to be quick with the remote if I heard Dad coming up the steps! We pretty much were a TV family once we got it. Couldn't get the people out of the house fast enough on Tuesday nights after the book study! The TV would go on as soon as the door closed behind the last person. If we weren't at a meeting we were watching TV! Come to think of it, I think TV is responsible for saving us kids from a life of slavery- we didn't have time to study anything!! I could study my watchtower in 20 minutes flat and be right back in front of the boob tube! All the kids in the hall that didn't have cable ended up pioneers! Thank god for cable television!
Would You Now Feel Uncomfortable Taking Blood?
by minimus innow that you know about the truth of the blood doctrine, would you feel, even a little bit uncomfortable agreeing to take a blood transfusion?
btw, my mother asked me if i would still honor her wishes for refusal of blood.
i told her that even though my view has changed, i would respect her decision, even if i felt that it was wrong.
Not at all. Especially since I had my son. He was a HUGE turning point for me in making the final decision to get out. I was already borderline, having been inactive for several years, but still going to an occasional meeting out of guilt. I knew without a doubt that if it came down to a transfusion possibly making the difference between my child living or dying, or the possibility of leaving my son without a parent, that I would take blood myself or authorize it for my him in a heartbeat.