I was simply racking up time. Finding my way into cargroups that had the reputation for driving 20 miles out of the way to go to the "good" coffee break place, knocking on doorjambs instead of doors so there was less chance of being heard, making it LOOK like you were ringing a doorbell, or my favorite was to tell whoever I ended up going to the door with " I just want to listen today so I can pick up some good ideas" so I didn't have to humiliate myself any more than I was just by standing there. I used to give the householders apologetic looks. I hated service and never felt that I was giving anyone a worthwhile message, and I was raised a witness.
JoinedPosts by caligirl
What was your message
by A Paduan in.
when going door to door were you delivering good news (without an if) like, "your landlord has given you the house"or were you selling 'love' like, "if you do as we do then you will be loved"or were you pretending to be normal but giving the underlying warning about the imaginary beast-god - who was perhaps going to get yourself.. paduan
Seeing Problem
by Undecided inabout once a month i have a problem with my eyes, or probably the nerves controlling my eyesight.
i see something like an oval mark that is drawn up and down in a half circle.
it sometimes keeps me from seeing properly, depending where it is.
Migraines do not always have pain. I get migraines, but the extremely painful variety. My Uncle who also gets migraines describes something very similar to what you describe, with the flashes of light and impaired vision for a relatively short period of time. It is quite possible that it is simply a migraine, but I agree with the consensus that you see a Dr to rule out anything more serious before treating it as a migraine.My uncle has had great success in controlling the frequency of his migraines by modifying his diet to eliminate any foods containing nitrites or similar preservatives (which unfortunately pretty much eliminates most prepared food found in the grocery store). Just a thought! I hope you feel better!
Edited by - caligirl on 26 October 2002 13:12:32
Xmas Xchange peeps LOOK HERE!
by scootergirl inas of 10:00 this morning all names have been sent out via emails.
please, please take a look in your email boxes and make sure that you received one.
if not, email me.
Name received ! Thanks Scootergirl for your efforts in putting this all together!
Please participate in my survey
by Zechariah ini have received inquiries about how i was trained by spirit as a psychologist.
i was led to many sources of enlightenment.
books routinely was i led to that it was important i read.
0-gray 1-blue 2-green 3-red
4-yellow 5-violet 6-brown 7-black32451706
Christmas Gift Exchange Gimme Gimme Wantme List
by scootergirl ini think it is time to stop cheerleading for the christmas gift x-change......we have quite a few names and i am really excited!
i am crossing off names as they post to this thread...... .
gentlyferal beckmelbourne truckergbveniceit pettygrundger talley mamashel nilfun beautifulgarbage orangefatcat been_there simon angharad heaven vickie butalbeexenawarrior mouthy animal debradoll ladylee mulan the_star joannadandy searchin50 happy2b scarlet randomtask celia siegswife caligirl waiting tinkerbell4125cc ridercoolbreeze onacruise/bikerchick ballistic windchaser flower elsewhere queer_reality kelpie revmalk funkyderek grout notinterested joy2bfree connielyne valis cowboy englishman plumkrzy lyineyes dutchie eyegirl scootergirl perry syn scully mac trotafax lovesdubs wild_thing lilacs yerusalyimbobsgirldawnmackincassiline maximumflash granny linda sortafairytale.
Well, I have had my eyes on a Lexus RX300, and diamonds are a girls best friend, but I suppose that list needs to go in my husbands wallet!
So, here goes with the more appropriate info that might actually give someone an idea..
I collect cookbooks, and love to cook so cooking gadgets are always neat, I am into scrapbooking, love candles- not too strong or else I can't smell anything for days, love to read- could spend hours and hours in barnes & noble, love music (except country-bleecch), love christmas ornaments & decorations, voodoo doll of husband's ex wife, anything to do with vintage food/drink posters or prints, chocolate, I collect elephants-not live cuz they smell really bad-small little statues of elephants, favorite color(s)deep purple or red. Hopefully that will give enough ideas
Thanks Scootergirl for putting this all together! This is going to be so much fun!
What kind of bear are you?
by WildHorses in.
i thought this was kind of cute.
let's hope i do this right.. http://www.smilepop.com/index.cfm?action=viewcard&content_id=321
If it says I am an old bear now, what happens when I turn 30?
How were you perceived .............. as a jw
by A Paduan in.
as a continuation of minimus' thread.. how do you think people perceived you - when you were a jw?
By non-witnesses I was viewed as either quiet and shy, or stuck up because I didn't talk much. As a teenager in the congregation, I was viewed as a threat to young brothers with "spiritual potential." Funny thing was, I never did anything to deserve that reputation.
Which meeting was the worst?
by freedom96 ini absolutely detested the watchtower study.
never did an hour go by so slow.
there would the 20 or so paragraphs that had to read and answered, and i would watch the clock.
They all sucked... but Sunday's were the longest, most drawn out boring ones of all. We RARELY did the service thing on Sundays (go figure with elder dad and pioneer mom) but we were seriously lucky and almost every Sunday afternoon was dedicated to whatever classic films were playing on channel 56! The only thing better would have been sleeping in, THEN watching the movies.
All bookstudies at the KH???
by Intuit39 ini know of a congregation on the east coast that is having all bookstudies meet at the kingdom hall!
that's right--no bookstudies in private homes, at least for now.... has anyone else heard of this?
and what could be the reason?
Maybe that congregation ran out of "volunteers" who were willing to have it in their homes. Or they are afraid that meeting in a private home does not afford them divine protection, such as should some catastrophic event take place the KH would be the only surviving building? Who knows. I haven't heard my parents say anything about a change, and they are in N.E.
Yet another batch of "new light"
by caligirl ini was talking to my sister yesterday, who spent the weekend with our still active parents.
over the weekend, they all had dinner with another couple, who were sharing some of the "latest news.
" i am getting this second hand, but my sister is excellent at remembering exactly what was said.
Available, please feel free to copy the post to your yahoo group. I will check that out when I get the chance.