Thanks so much for the advice and encouragement. Some were especially helpful. One thing I have to say is that thankfully my marriage was not based on "theocratic principles". We didnt get married because we had the same spiritual goals or anything like that. Of course, neither of us at the time would have looked outside of the WTS for a marriage partner, but we married because we loved each other; plain and simple.
I have read CoC already and while my wife wouldnt read it she listened with interest as I related much of the book to her. She's not ready to leave; I am, but I could never leave without her. The reason being that she would go through too much agony at the hall from the "friends" because of her crazy husband. I could never put her through that.
Its comforting to know that I am not alone in this although there is no easy answer. My struggle will be to continue on until she is ready to leave and in the process put into action some of the strategies that you have mentioned. Some said to be true to myself. That is a noble and sound suggestion, but you must realize that there would be no me without my wife. I don't mean to gross anyone out with too much mush, but for me that is the truth. I realize everyone's circumstances are different and I dont mean to criticize anyone else's decisions that they have had to make. I am only telling my story.
I would appreciate any furhter comments any have to make,
Thank you so much,