RedPill & Scotts -
I was once that wife with the fading husband. Other than saying to me, over and over, it's only an organization; my husband also couldn't bring himself to trashing the organization to me. I was worried about him (and honestly about us) as I watched him move further and further away from the "truth." Although I always knew he loved me, I worried that w/o the rules of the organization, he might think about cheating or leaving me. I can honestly say that that's what my worst fear was. Everyone's road is different. My advice to you is simple - YOU MUST MAKE SURE SHE IS SECURE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP!! She'll fight you tooth and nail to stay in if she thinks she's losing you!!! She'll run to the elders for help as she sees you pulling away. Now is the time to reassure her! If she's secure, she'll be able to hear you . . . eventually. Even if she doesn't agree, she'll be able to hear you.