I WISH my loved ones would post here! I love to hear about some of their experiences. Unfortunately, they don't see the need.
JoinedPosts by Nellie
Seeing your loved ones post here. Odd?
by Mysterious inis it odd for you to see people you are close to, kids, friends, family, parents, etc?
do you sometimes read things about their experiences in the organization that you find strange or that you had forgotten about?
or perhaps you didn't realize just what a whack job indoctrination your ex managed to pull off?
Wedding Anniversaries vs. Birthdays
by PopeOfEruke injw's often have big parties or "gatherings" to celebrate wedding anniversaries, esp.
for the big milestones (20th, 50th anniversary etc).. the process of these parties almost exactly mimic a typical birthday celebration: the couple of honour sit up the front, various people give speeches, show "honour" to the happy couple, there is a meal and drinks, usually an anniversary cake.. exactly the same as a birthday party.. so why is it ok to celebrate an anniversary of a wedding but not the annoversary of a birth??
when it's usually the "wedding" which sooner or later results in a birth??
Ohh Frequent Fader If you could have seen my face when after 20+ years I discovered that people slipped the CO envelopes of money during his visit! I was shocked!!! My husband, on the other hand, couldn't believe I'd never seen it before. Apparently, it's a longstanding tradition amonst the R&F.
Doubting JWs ever approached you?
by greendawn inwhile you still were jws did any doubting jw ever try to talk to you about the flaws of the org and instil in you some doubt?
someone had told me that he didn't believe the gb members were straight and honest people that many of their ideas were wrong and that they had a secret agenda to pursue beyond the one they publicly proclaimed.
at the time i thought he may be right since they seemed to control everything and didn't allow anyone to contribute even the (so called) anointed.
Mrs. Smith - Nice to hear there are others who share my feelings. Even though we found out the water was dirty, we were able to save the baby when we threw out the bath water!
Doubting JWs ever approached you?
by greendawn inwhile you still were jws did any doubting jw ever try to talk to you about the flaws of the org and instil in you some doubt?
someone had told me that he didn't believe the gb members were straight and honest people that many of their ideas were wrong and that they had a secret agenda to pursue beyond the one they publicly proclaimed.
at the time i thought he may be right since they seemed to control everything and didn't allow anyone to contribute even the (so called) anointed.
I guess it's all perspective - I DO think it was a good life, especially when I compare it to the lives of many in my family who were not witnesses. But I must look at it a little differently than others - I've got a great husband, great kids, a nice life and I KNOW that in the difficult years it was the training that we received that made us stick it out together. Now while I can credit the principles that we learned with helping us get through that patch, I also know that the demands put on us as witnesses led to some of our stress as a couple. Having survived all that though, I still believe we are where we are today - because of where we were yesterday.
Positive changes in your life since leaving WBTS
by Mrs Smith infor me it's the friendships i have made with people that would have been considered too wordly to be friends with while i was still a jw.
leaving behind the guilt of never been good enough or doing enough.
celebrating the birthday of my precious children making them feel like king and queen for the day.
I hated saying to myself, "I would do that if only I wasn't a Jehovah's Witness." Now, if my desires lead me in a direction and my sensibilities tell me that there's nothing wrong with it - I go for it. I haven't changed who I am or what I think, now I just have the freedom to express it and do it.
I'm a walking NIKE ad - JUST DO IT!
Posting Here: secretly or openly?
by AllAlongTheWatchtower injust curious, how many of you have to hide the fact that you post here from family?
i'm especially thinking of those with spouses who are in, while they themselves either never were, faded, dfed/daed, etc but if you are a child hiding it from parents, that applies too.
if you are posting secretly, how secretive do you have to be?
My family and friends know that I frequent this site - I share your stories with them regularly. To my knowledge, only one ever joined, but her circumstances make it difficult for her to come on often.
My stats (age, gender, etc.) are absolutely real - but I don't use my real name. Originally, it was because I wasn't ready to share . . . now, it's just who I am here.
ALERT: All Child Abuse Lawsuits have been settled. Millions cashed out???
by What-A-Coincidence inre: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/8/116108/1.ashx.
a bethel insider in the know told me that all of the child abuse lawsuits where the watchtower bible and tract society was one of the defendants were settled back in the beginning of this year.
i questioned it and called napa myself and they were absolutely settled back then.
BTTT again and again please
Just reviewing my years of non-appointment as an elder.
by AK - Jeff ini had 'reached out' to be an elder for a decade before i finally understood the reasons why i was not, nor would i ever be one.. each visit of the co, my name was on the list of discussion.
i know this because i was told by both co's and local elders.
the vote was always close, sometimes i missed the cut due to 'low hours' on the part of my wife or daughter, othertimes due to some variation in the way the wts was looking at particular 'requirements'.
Jeff - I hold out very little hope that he will ever see the light. He is truly a contradiction to himself - a nonconformist who can only conform. I know that sounds impossible, but it's him.
If you started your own 'brand of religion'......
by fifi40 inwhat would you include?.
it occured to me that there are a lot of thinking, intelligent and good people that use this board..........our views may differ.........some may believe in a god, others definitely dont and some sit firmly on the fence.......but what if we removed god from the equation....... what if we as members of this board had to suggest and formalise a 'way of living' that would be beneficial to all of mankind; what would your ideas be?.
i know some people may be offended to use the term religion as this immediately denotes gods involvement.......so lets call it the 'experience'........
I think the basic Golden Rule should be at the center of any religion. Of course, that only works if you're not into anything harmful . . .
Just reviewing my years of non-appointment as an elder.
by AK - Jeff ini had 'reached out' to be an elder for a decade before i finally understood the reasons why i was not, nor would i ever be one.. each visit of the co, my name was on the list of discussion.
i know this because i was told by both co's and local elders.
the vote was always close, sometimes i missed the cut due to 'low hours' on the part of my wife or daughter, othertimes due to some variation in the way the wts was looking at particular 'requirements'.
I wish I could share this thread with a friend of ours - unfortunately he's still on the inside and really hasn't accepted (correct that: chooses not to really recognize that we are totally OUT - That way he can continue talking with us) - anyway, he's 48 - raised in the truth - never been married - and has never made it past MS. He's been removed and reappointed in 4 different states. His single desire in life is to be appointed elder and he'll never get there. Although every decision he makes in his life is governed by his ministry (from what job he takes to what car he drives to where he lives), his personality grates on some - he's loud. He doesn't have a glass of the kool-aid, he's got and regularly drinks from a bucket of it. The WT is the law for him - there is no separation . . . but try as he does, he'll never get there. An it's an absolute source of frustration in his life!