I've been doing a modified South Beach with my daughter for a few weeks now - I'd love to join the party!
@Mamalove - Thanks for the tip - I'll look him up!
thanks to beks for the title.. i can't stand being a fatty-fat-fatty anymore.
my son is getting married, allegedly next fall, and i want to look good for the wedding.
and i want to look good for myself.
I've been doing a modified South Beach with my daughter for a few weeks now - I'd love to join the party!
@Mamalove - Thanks for the tip - I'll look him up!
was there one incident or epiphany that struck you hard?
or was it a slow...gradual awakening (no pun)?.
my coming out of the jw coma (as i like to call it) began at a family rendezvous in the beautiful florida gulf coast.
was there one incident or epiphany that struck you hard?
or was it a slow...gradual awakening (no pun)?.
my coming out of the jw coma (as i like to call it) began at a family rendezvous in the beautiful florida gulf coast.
This is the moment that I realized it was okay to not believe it was the truth.
I was trying to follow the Watchtower's command - "Thou shall not practice fellatio" and conscientiously did not understand the prohibition. So I did what any good Dub would do - I went to an elder and asked about it. His told me that White people were much more uptight about things like this and Blacks and Latinos were much more comfortable. He said if it felt natural and didn't feel like I was doing wrong or going against God, then I should just disregard what the Watchtower said and "handle my business."
The idea that an elder told me to disregard what the Watchtower said - especially since it said it was pornea - was mind-altering! The seed was planted . . . (hubby was happy) and I began to open my mind to other things that didn't sit right with me.
ive been lurking here for the past couple of months since i started researching the organization.
i dont have many people to talk to and its been a saving grace to read your posts.. i dont really know where to start so here i go.
its been a long journey getting here and it looks as if i still have a long ways to go to get somewhere healthy, stable and strong.
Welcome Hadit to your new life! I'm surprised that no one has mentioned a very valuable tool most of us used when we first got on this road, the book Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. I had never heard the other side of the Malawi story until I read it in there! So you're already ahead of the game. The title alone is inspiring!
It's not going to be easy walking down this road without your husband. I would expect him to exert more "headship" leadership in an effort to control your actions. He'll probably want to make sure to do family study each week with your son in an effort to protect him. Knowing this ahead of time will help you to be prepared and ready.
As you know, there are many here who have been where you are and are more than open to share. The best is yet to come!
Hysterical - Great work!
ok...when i left the org, i was quiet for a while....as you are, trying to get used to not being a jw robot, and trying to show the rest of the congregation and former friends and family, ..(like it matters),..that you are still nice, polite, spiritual......... not engaging in criminal acts, not smoking or taking drugs and not becoming the local slut falling out of pubs and clubs at the weekend in an alcohol induced stupor.
then i changed my mind!
not that i started engaging in all of the above....but that i stopped being quiet.
keep up the good work!
on the weekends, i am usually found - in the mornings - at the local coffee shop - where i study - and madly write my new ideas - or expand on old ones.. it is a time when i put to paper all of the thoughts of the past week - and dream up new ones for the next one.. anyway, on sunday mornings, there is a retired schoolteacher lady who - with her husband show up after their church services and have breakfast.
she will usually try to find an open pair of seats at the counter next to me - to talk with me.
this morning, they sat next to me, and she began talking (which usually interrupts my solo quiet time).. during the chatter, she asked me if i was into sports when i was in school.
Don't forget to count your time! :)
the watchtower society and god have no similarity.. in my experience, as a 14 years-old-boy i was carrying a heavy burden of sin.
then i was told that jesus christ left all of heavens glory, came into this world and lived a perfect life for 33 1/2 years and then died on that torture stake for sinner.
as i heard this, i asked myself if i was really hearing what this man was saying.
Jeff - Thanks for sharing. When next you list your attributes, be sure to include patient at the top!
I've said to a few people that once upon a time, I knew the answers - now I know I don't. It's a bit unnerving - not being able to answer with authority, but I consider it more TRUTH that I can say, "I don't know," than the dogmatic approach of both the WBTS and your friend the good Reverend.
ok - true story!.
my friend runs a diner/restaurant in a small rural town in georgia (population 400).
one of the waitresses has a 15-year old downs syndrome son who she occassionally leaves home alone while she works.
Ok - I don't argue with Snopes! I guess I've been had . . . wait till I get my hands on the person who told me this!!!
ok - true story!.
my friend runs a diner/restaurant in a small rural town in georgia (population 400).
one of the waitresses has a 15-year old downs syndrome son who she occassionally leaves home alone while she works.
No - not a witness story. They live in Georgia. This happened @ 2 weeks ago.