Thankyou everyone so much for your help. A lot of it has been conforting considering I can't really discuss much of this problem with any of my friends because it would be too confusing for them. My boyfriend, Chris, finally told me the other day that he wanted time away from me to "see if the feelings are still there", I don't see how time apart will prove this. Sure, he gets on my nerves a lot, but I would never consider taking time apart for a reason as stupid as that one. I'm supposed to have surgery next wednesday, and what hurts the most is he told me yesterday that he's not going to be there. Right at the most challenging time in my life....*poof* he's gone. I just need to accept the facts that are right in my face and move on but it's really, really hard. I'm just the stubborn type I suppose, I just hate to give up on people so I always put all that I have into everything that I do. Perhaps time apart wouldn't be so bad...maybe it would give him time to think about things. Nevertheless, thank you all for the help and hope to hear from you all again!
JoinedPosts by kerseygurl
help me!
by kerseygurl inwhere do i begin?
i can't believe i'm even here...i am a 20 year old female and have been dating a jehovah's witness for 4 and 1/2 years.
until recently, we've been completely and utterly devoted to each other.
help me!
by kerseygurl inwhere do i begin?
i can't believe i'm even here...i am a 20 year old female and have been dating a jehovah's witness for 4 and 1/2 years.
until recently, we've been completely and utterly devoted to each other.
Where do I begin? I can't believe i'm even here...I am a 20 year old female and have been dating a jehovah's witness for 4 and 1/2 years. Until recently, we've been completely and utterly devoted to each other. I feel completely lost now, let me explain...His parents' never wanted to meet me and frowned on our relationship the whole time telling him to break up with me before things got worse. The Elder's called him to meetings several times about me and he still continued with our relationship. All of this gave me hope in a way, which is strange I know, but at least I knew that he wanted to make things work. I have never asked him to give up his faith or change any of his beliefs, however, he has asked me often if I would attend meeting with him and try to accept his faith. Unfortunately, I have never went with him. I just can't bring myself to. I was raised as a Methodist, though I still hold some of the same beliefs I just consider myself a Christian. I don't believe that God will hold it against anyone if they don't pick a certain denomination, just as long as they do as he wants. I feel as if his parents are coming in between our relationship. I finally met them about six months ago and got to know his mother very well and she acted as if she really liked me. I was invited to barbecues and some family outings, which gave me the reassurance that I needed. However, I just found out that the whole time his parents were still telling him to call it quits and it's beginning to make him doubt our relationship, which really hurts me terribly. I love him so much with all of my heart and we've even been discussing marriage over the past year, but now I just don't see it happening because he continues to grow more and more distant. I do want to marry him and have a family one day when I'm through with college, I just want to make sure that his whole heart is there before we get married...How can I get him to come to some sort of agreement with his parents? I'm just so confused and hurt right now, I really don't know what to do except ask some other Jehovah Witnesses' their opions. If anyone can, please respond to this, perhaps I can receive some sort of helpful advice in this matter.