- "waiting on jehovah": swallow your doubts and wait til brooklyn releases a watchtower with an explaination. if they don't, continue waiting.
Huge LOL
so true
i am preparing a summary of methods to use to build rapport with the jw cult member.
the summary will attempt to follow the methods used in the strategic interactive approach, which is described in steven hassan's book, releasing the bonds.. one of the things a person who has a loved one in a cult has to do is understand the loaded language.
as we all know the jw have just such lexicon of buzzwords.
donald trump and some others have a vested interest in some casinos in vegas.
trump has expressed some interest in having michael jackson perform at one of the casinos.
he has back peddled some, but still, it gives an interesting idea.. i would imagine it would be quite a show.. the question i have for you is, would you go see it?
i found a couple of nice wt and awake magazines in the waiting room at work today.
i decided to dress them up with some flourescent green labels with the freeminds.org, silentlambs.org, and quotes' website.
hope the jw who left them will come back and check them out .
As I recall, someone here once posted that they were applying red stickers on W's & A's which read "WARNING; cult material".
Perhaps the addition of www. jehovahs-witness.com, would be helpful as well. Maybe we should start a Laundromat and waiting-room campaign
I'm in as well!!!!
I remember when it was me leaving those rags at offices or taking them my teachers at school.
well my wife's grandmother died a couple of days ago.
the services will be on monday, anne ritchie, not that it is not expected she was 90. not exactly a spring chicken.. my problem is two fold, my wife's parents have not contacted her or tried to contact her for quite some time.
and when they do her mother stops by her place of work unannounced for "a chat", so now that my wife's mother has lost her best friend [donna never cut the cord] she calls my wife for the funeral, i personally do not want her to go, but i cant tell my wife not to go, and i would like to be there to support her, but after my mother died, and i had to sit through a propaganda speech when it was supposed to be about my families loss.
The same exact thing happened to me when my mommy dies two years ago. I'm no longer a JW but of course went to the kingdom hall for her funeral. I wanted to stand up and yell at the brother officiating. They said like two kind words about my mom and shoved their agenda down our throats. I was madder than the devil on a sunday after that. The brother who did it came up to my husband and i afterwards and i wanted to spit in his face. raaarrrrr.....
with all new episodes!
let's go back to the good ol' days when they filmed 30 episodes per season.
it was great!
did you ever consider yourself a worldy person while being a witness?
if you did, what constituted worldliness?
in my days i've done many things that didn't bother my conscious, yet, by todays standards of the org.
Growing up in elementary school I hated the feelings of embarrasent and sadness when i had to go to the library or sit in the hall when my class was having a holiday party or doing holiday crafts. I hated no being able to participate in sports or going to my little friends houses for playdates. But even then in my little head i couldn't understand why loving Jehovah would just disregard so many people that weren't branded JW. I felt terrible and scared for all my little school friends.
I also tried to hide/deny that i was a jw through early high school. I hated people knowing that. Or going to school with other JW's. uggghhh....especially the haughty self-righteous ones. Y'know the ones whose parents were elders and overseers and whatever else.
My parents were divorced and my mom was a devout jw and my dad was not a jw. When i was at my dads house he would let me stay overnight at my "worldly" friends houses and go to prom and football games and do sports. My jw friends that i had grown up with suddenly weren't allowed to hang out with me. I was branded a "bad influence".
I now have two kids and for those of you who are ex-jws can probably relate with this...i am so thankful my children won't have to grow up wishing they were on the other side of the fence being normal and celebrating holiday and having fun with sports and dances...being a normal teenager. I am having so much fun celebrating holiday and birthday with my children. Knowing they will have no feeling of embarrassment or missing out and feeling terrible about themselves is such a huge relief for me. Especially now being a Christian and knowing truly what is the reasons behind holidays and such.
numerous greek and biblical scholars have declared that the nwt is a poor and biased translation.. the late dr. walter martin observed that of the anonymous seven-member translation committee at least five had no training in greek: "these books possess a veneer of scholarship unrivaled for its daring and boldness in a field that all informed scholars know jehovah's witnesses are almost totally unprepared to venture into.
as a matter of fact, the authors have been able to uncover partially a carefully guarded watchtower secret; the names of five of the member of the new world translation committee.
not one of these five people has any training in greek...(or hebrew).. dr. julius mantey a leading greek scholar in the world stated: "i have never read any new testament so badly translated as the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures.
I know how bad it is because i've compared it with other bibles. They changed punctuation just to suit their needs. Many other word changed and added words. It frustrated the heck out of me because they aren't letting their members see things for themselves. Everything jw's are allowed to look at that not branded apostate stuff is doctered by them because they are a cult trying to control what the members see. With their bible...the members can't look up something for themselves in a un-biased bible...they can only look at the jw bible thats made to fit their needs. ARRRRRR.....it makes me madder than the devil on a sunday!!!
I'm so thankful i got out of that mind controlling cult.
numerous greek and biblical scholars have declared that the nwt is a poor and biased translation.. the late dr. walter martin observed that of the anonymous seven-member translation committee at least five had no training in greek: "these books possess a veneer of scholarship unrivaled for its daring and boldness in a field that all informed scholars know jehovah's witnesses are almost totally unprepared to venture into.
as a matter of fact, the authors have been able to uncover partially a carefully guarded watchtower secret; the names of five of the member of the new world translation committee.
not one of these five people has any training in greek...(or hebrew).. dr. julius mantey a leading greek scholar in the world stated: "i have never read any new testament so badly translated as the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures.
i was just thinking of this, because of my last post topic.
if the watchtower changed their no blood policy to accepting whole blood, would and could that .
open the flood gates for law suits from jdubs that sacrificed their children for the tower, or would .
numerous greek and biblical scholars have declared that the nwt is a poor and biased translation.. the late dr. walter martin observed that of the anonymous seven-member translation committee at least five had no training in greek: "these books possess a veneer of scholarship unrivaled for its daring and boldness in a field that all informed scholars know jehovah's witnesses are almost totally unprepared to venture into.
as a matter of fact, the authors have been able to uncover partially a carefully guarded watchtower secret; the names of five of the member of the new world translation committee.
not one of these five people has any training in greek...(or hebrew).. dr. julius mantey a leading greek scholar in the world stated: "i have never read any new testament so badly translated as the kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures.
Numerous Greek and Biblical scholars have declared that the NWT is a poor and biased translation.
The late Dr. Walter Martin observed that of the anonymous seven-member translation committee at least five had no training in Greek: "These books possess a veneer of scholarship unrivaled for its daring and boldness in a field that all informed scholars know Jehovah's Witnesses are almost totally unprepared to venture into. As a matter of fact, the authors have been able to uncover partially a carefully guarded Watchtower secret; the names of five of the member of the New World Translation committee. Not one of these five people has any training in Greek...(or Hebrew).
Dr. Julius Mantey a leading Greek scholar in the world stated: "I have never read any New Testament so badly translated as The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures. In fact, it is not their translation at all. Rather, it is a distortion of the New Testament. The translators used what J.B. Rotherham had translated in 1893, in modern speech, and changed the reading in scores of passages to state what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach. That is distortion, not translation."
Wondering what y'all though about this. -trinity83