no...actually it's me.
luv, kitty
a nice guy named robert de vrije has put a link to his site - - over at
i can't read dutch so the site is useless to me except for the fact that i am drawn to this wondrful mock-up!.
i don't know why clint eastwood is there or what the significance of the gunslinging girlie is but i love it!.
no...actually it's me.
luv, kitty
well well!!! is the Governing B.O. going to have a sleepover? i'm sure they'll end up with their noses in it somehow.
luv, kitty
for years i made it known that when i die, on my stone, .. or plate, or whatever, .. it should say.
"what the hell was i thinking" well now as time goes by i think i would rather it say.
"he died ... living"
She lived to love, and loved to live ~ R.I.P. Kitty
luv, kitty
(am i a junior yet? )
for years i made it known that when i die, on my stone, .. or plate, or whatever, .. it should say.
"what the hell was i thinking" well now as time goes by i think i would rather it say.
"he died ... living"
luv, kitty
for years, i refused to think of the witnesses as a "cult".
too harsh and restrictive of a word for me......but there is no denying that we were all in a mind controlling cult.
are you embarrassed or uncomfortable knowing that you belonged to a cult just like the moonies and the branch davidians are/werw a cult?
i feel pretty empowered because i'm only 20, but i had the strength to break free of the brainwashing, unlike the so called older wiser ones who are basically a bunch of lemmings whenever i feel incompetent, i just think about it and realize if i can do THAT i can do anything.
luv, kitty
most of the time i just walk on by.
i just can't be bothered, and they are not going to believe what i say anyway.
besides, should i tell them i am disfellowshipped, which may scare them away?
i haven't run into any since moving in with my boyfriend...but i still keep an ear out for that 6 o'clock knock. i've got a bunch of brochures from and a WHOLE LOTTA stuff from's sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting for that debate ....of course i'll win, but we know they'd never admit it.
luv, kitty
i'm sitting here at my desk, looking out the window at the gloomy memphis sky, completely zoned.
**slurrrrp** ahhhhhhhhhh...instant karma.... have you thanked your bean today?
luv, kitty
i wish that it was possible to be hooked up to an IV and receive a continuous caffeine drip all day, that would taper off in the evening so you could sleep, and come on again full force around the time you wake up...
that would be cool!
luv, kitty
what exactly does a po do?
what is he resonsible for?
does he have any part in dfing?
in my opinion, it's basically an old fart with his gossipy busy body wife. their old congo got sick of their b.s. so they sent them packing to other congos to lay the law down or whatever the hell they do...
all in's crap.
luv, kitty
i'm sitting here at my desk, looking out the window at the gloomy memphis sky, completely zoned.
**slurrrrp** ahhhhhhhhhh...instant karma.... have you thanked your bean today?
luv, kitty
u gotta give some thought to your phrasing
luv, kitty (of the still clueless but likes to act like she knows class)
so what's the last fantasy/scifi book that you read that was just so good you could'nt put it down until you were done reading it?
i need a few recommendations, i'm in the mood for a good book.. for me the last really good scifi book was orson scott card's "ender's game".
for a long time i avoided this book because i thought it was aimed at a younger audience, but after hearing so many people praise it i finally took a chance on it.
mine is actually fantasy/psychological...I Never Promised You A Rose's about a young girl w/ schizo, and the author illustrates all of her dellusions and hallucinations as if they were really happening. i've read it at least 2-3 times a year since i was 13. it never gets old.
i highly suggest it.
luv, kitty