If all the JWs were told tomorrow that god had changed his mind, or the WTS had got it wrong..."No reward...sorry", then everybody would be boozin' and throwing their knickers off...if ya get my drift
That reminds me of this one time when my mother and I were studying the watchtower for sunday or something. I think the article had to do w/ Jehoober's universal sovreignty (sp?) or something...anyway......my mother turned to me point blank and asked me, ''JoBeth, if you were to find out today that there was no paradise, and that we were to serve jehovah just b/c it's the right thing to do, would you still do it?'' Of course I had to bite my tongue to keep from blurting out Hell No!....but before I could answer, she said, ''...because I know I would. This is the only true organization. We're the only people who truly love each other and who have Jehovah's blessing.''
It was like talking to a zombie.
~luv, jojo