Not that exactly, but the mention of college reminded me of something I experienced.
From the time I started Jr. High, I KNEW that I wanted to be a psychologist. I loved and still love the human mind in all it's workings. I checked out every book in the library on mental diseas and psychiatry. I even found an old college text book someone had donated to the library, and I read every chapter and did all of the question and answer studies....anyway. Of course my jw mother was fully against this, and she gave me the hardest time about it. So one day I was out in service w/ some highly respected elderette, and she just so happened to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. So I took a deep breath, and said, ''I would like to be a psychologist.'' She smiled at me and said that it sounded like a very noble endeavor and that they could always use doctors and such at Bethel. I was elated! Finally! Someone of honor and prestige in the congregation to back me up. So I went home that day and proudly told my mother what the elderette had said. So then my mother calls me a liar, and says that Sister So-n-so would NEVER say anything so stupid! I kept insisting this was true, so my mother then proceeds to call the elderette at home to ask her herself...
I was completely dumbfounded!!!! I stood there in shock for at least 10 minutes! So then the elderette's husband (PO) and another elder arranged to meet with me to discuss my problem with lying and to try to convince me to drop the whole college thing.
It took me forever to be able to trust ANYONE in the congregation after that.
~luv, jojo
edited to add: sorry this is so long...not trying to hijack, but i just had to get that out!