Mmmmmmmmm... minty!
**blows breath on blondie** am i fresh??
luv, kitty
i'm having a cyber-party to celebrate...who wants miller?
luv, kitty
Mmmmmmmmm... minty!
**blows breath on blondie** am i fresh??
luv, kitty
i'm having a cyber-party to celebrate...who wants miller?
luv, kitty
**hands AmberRock to lilbit** appears not many people on this board like miller light. maybe i should go on a beer run....
luv, kitty
what they do , what they believe and if they have physic powers.
without going into major details...
a white whitch is basically another name for a wiccan. they don't have SUPER POWERS or all that crap they show on t.v. however, they do possess some sort of psychic ability...but you don't have to be a wiccan, everyone has that ability. back in the day the term witch referred to anyone (mainly women) who had an extreme knowledge of nature and its healing properties. from what i've heard, u can do spells, but it's not all ABRACADABRA or whatever. if it's meant to be it will happen...if not, then it won't...
that's basically it. i may have missed a thing or two, but i haven't looked into wicca in about a year. i studied alot into it when i was like 17-18. i actually know a true wiccan who learned the art from her mother, who learned it from her mother, and so on and so forth. she very cool and supremely sweet!
luv, kitty
i'm having a cyber-party to celebrate...who wants miller?
luv, kitty
well crap......i almost picked that one ...oh well
luv, kitty
in jesus, the bible, god's promises since you left the jw's?
i have more faith in myself and that's all i need for right now. everything will fall into place in time.
luv, kitty
i'm having a cyber-party to celebrate...who wants miller?
luv, kitty
oh didn't show....
luv, kitty
i'm having a cyber-party to celebrate...who wants miller?
luv, kitty
**tossles around in fridge**
luv, kitty
i thought this was pretty funny.... .
excerpts from a dog's daily diary:.
dog food!
that's our dog and cat to at T!!!!!
luv, kitty
i'm having a cyber-party to celebrate...who wants miller?
luv, kitty
I'm having a cyber-party to celebrate...Who wants Miller? Pizza should be here soon!!
luv, kitty
in the late 80s or early 90s while i was still an elder the gb sent out a letter to all bodies of elders concerning taking up a collection fro these hard working brothers who have given up so much to be cos and dos.. how do you think cos and dos felt about the letter to all body of elders the expessedly told elders not to take up a collection for these brothers?.
i bet that letter caused a lot of cos and dos to second thought about the gb.
it may have made them feel angry.
i have heard it and seen it done...last CO visit i attended last year did it...basically, one of the eldorks...whoever handles the expense reports...would get on stage the week after the CO left and present the question.....While he was here, Bro. SoNSo spent this much on food, gas, lodging...blahblahblah. We as a congregation have agreed to reimburse him for each dollar spent. Anyone object?.....
(of course no one did) That's basically how it's done...I never understood how two old goobers could spend so much on food, when everyone in the congo was begging to take them out to breakfast, lunch, AND dinner....what crap.
luv, kitty