I know what you mean. Used to I couldn't stand calling customer service representatives b/c they all seemed rude and on edge........then I became one. People are awful. They call you screaming and yelling b/c you can't get the thing to them tomorrow, and they're the ones who waited till the last minute to call. And they're all so damn demanding and degrading. They talk to you like you're no better than the $hit on the bottom of your shoe. I love the ones who don't listen to a damn word your saying when your explaining what they need to send in as far as receiving their request...then they call in a month later screaming b/c they don't have it yet. Then you ask them did they send in the required papers...and the say no b/c ''noone told me anything about some damn id!''....and you remember taking their order and how they didn't listen to a damn word you said.
I used to try to be as cordial as possible. Then something snapped and I just don't really give a flying fart. If the situation is right, I'll be just as rude back at them. If you have the gall to call me and yell at me b/c YOU didn't read the directions...then tell me that it doesn't say that on the website and I'M LOOKING RIGHT AT IT AS I SPEAK TO YOU...yeah...I'm gonna be a little pissy.
**sigh** I think my blood pressure just jumped another 20 points.
Please be kind to your local customer service representative. We can only do so much...we are not God. And if YOU messed up and it's YOU'RE fault...please don't scream at us, b/c we will know it's your'e fault and the more you scream at us, the more our respect for you goes down the $hitter.
luv, jojo