"Quit messin' around all ya'll stiff necked isrealites! dang!"
i might actually read the bible if it was written like that.
~luv, jojo
i've always been curious, why does the new world translation always render the word you in capital letters?
is is a subliminal effort to make a strong connection with the reader as though the writer of the scripture meant "you, the individual reading this"?
in other words, is it an effort to force the scriptures to make a stronger impact?
"Quit messin' around all ya'll stiff necked isrealites! dang!"
i might actually read the bible if it was written like that.
~luv, jojo
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
Z Pack is some good stuff. Get well, nothing like being sick between Christmas and New Years. Everybody you know wants to see you and so do you, but you're too sick to do so.
I know. Me and my best friend are going out Sunday night for new years. I was so glad it wasn't anything serious. I just hope this cough goes away by then, at least for that night....I can't be mixing beer and cough syrup. ~luv, jojo
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
Well I went to the doctor yesterday, b/c I had taken some benadryl the night before, but I woke up at 3am coughing and more congested than ever. I was coughing so much that I couldn't even go back to sleep. So come 7am, I'm doing the zombie walk into the office. I make it to 7:30 and I called my supervisor, in tears, b/c I felt so bad. My chest hurt, my throat hurt, I couldn't quit coughing, and I was freaking tired. She took pity on me and let me leave so I could go to the doctor.
So I went to the doctor and I don't have the flu or strep throat. She (doctor) said that I just have whatever bug has been going around. So she gave me a ZPack of antibiotics and some cough syrup/decongestant. I went home and stayed on the couch all day watching tv, eating chicken soup, and taking my drugs.
I'm still coughing and a bit congested, but I don't feel as run down, thanks to all the rest I got yesterday.
Thanks everyone for caring.
~luv, jojo
is she for real?
what do you know about her and books?
she is on montell williams right now.. blueblades.
I like this guy, James Randi. He has an offer out of $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove psychic ability under CONTROLLED CIRCUMSTANCES......no one has yet to claim the prize.
Including Ms. Browne.
Randi has accused Sylvia Browne - a well-known, self-proclaimed psychic medium and author of numerous books on spirituality, who has performed thousands of one-on-one readings and assignments with a wide variety of groups and individuals - of avoiding the $1,000,000 challenge despite agreeing on Larry King Live in September 2001 to accept it. [18] Randi keeps a clock on his website recording the number of weeks that have passed since Sylvia accepted the challenge without following through.
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
A girl here at work just gave me some cough syrup.
This stuff...
...feels sooooo good. It's really cold feeling, like menthol.....aaaahhh...
~luv, jojo
is she for real?
what do you know about her and books?
she is on montell williams right now.. blueblades.
Sylvia Browne is a moron.
I love it when they get tangled in their own web of deceit. Freakin idiot.
~luv, jojo
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
Thanks mumsy and evetteto.
No....no Norwalk for me...that sounds more like a stomach, diarhhea thing. Mine's all throat related.
I guess I'll just have to ride it out.
~luv, jojo
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
She got sick the day she got home from her vacation and apparently there was some sort of virus,
That's exactly what happened from me. Came back to Nashville after spending christmas w/ Matt and BOOM! Sick as crap.
I've never heard of Norwalk virus...i'm going to google it and see if any of the symptoms match mine. thanks!
~luv, jojo
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
I've been fighting that darn thing for a WEEK now. My sympathies, dear.
Thanks jgnat. here's some hot tea for you. Juni - I keep wondering if I have strep or something. I checked my throat this morning when I got up, but my lighting isn't very good in my apartment. Normally, I'd blame it on allergies, but everything I'm allergic to is dead right now...pollen and all that crap. If I don't start feeling any better by the weekend, I'm going to the doctor. ~jojo
i'm like a walking nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
but....i don't have anymore days off left so i get to drag my sick ass to work.
hooray corporate america.
I'm like a walking Nyquil advertisement...coughing, drainage, sore throat, over all icky feeling.
BUT....I don't have anymore days off left so I get to drag my sick ass to work. hooray corporate america.
I'm going to wipe my snot all over the coffe pot just to smite them.
oh! and the best part?....i work in a call center...so that means i get to talk on the phone all day with a SORE THROAT.
~luv, jojo