Since I am old enough to be your Grandad I guess I can say.."young lady! get those damn pink streaks out of your hair!"
Ha! Well I'm 22 so I'm old enough to say "Nuh uh!"
just realized the other day how long it's been since i've posted here.
everything's fine w/ me.
still in ms w/ matt.
Since I am old enough to be your Grandad I guess I can say.."young lady! get those damn pink streaks out of your hair!"
Ha! Well I'm 22 so I'm old enough to say "Nuh uh!"
just realized the other day how long it's been since i've posted here.
everything's fine w/ me.
still in ms w/ matt.
Just realized the other day how long it's been since I've posted here. Everything's fine w/ me. Still in MS w/ Matt. I have a job at a doggy daycare center (TOTALLY ROCKS!), Matt owns his own business now, ummmm...that's really about it. Oh yeah...I got pink streaks in my hair. I reek of awesomeness.
So what's new with you?
Oh yeah....HI! to all the new folk I haven't met yet.
love, jojo
we were going out to dinner the other night and when we pulled out of our driveway, i noticed something strangely familiar at the foot of our neighbors driveway.
hmmmm....light brown books, encyclopedia size...what the?!!
!....bound volumes!!!!
Can you put up a sign in your yard referring them to '' or '' ??
Hmmmmmmmm....... I'm going to think about that one....
I would not want dubs as my neighbors.
Oh, I don't mind that. I honestly find it funny considering the fact that Matt and I conversed with them not even a month ago not even knowing what the other one was...They being dubs and us being an atheist apostate couple having premarital sex. haha. ~luv, jojo
we were going out to dinner the other night and when we pulled out of our driveway, i noticed something strangely familiar at the foot of our neighbors driveway.
hmmmm....light brown books, encyclopedia size...what the?!!
!....bound volumes!!!!
If I were you, I would move out ASAP, if your circumstances will allow that.
averyniceguy...Why do you say that? Just wondering....or are you joking........I'm been sort of slow when it comes to jokes lately...blame it on the wine.
~luv, jojo
we were going out to dinner the other night and when we pulled out of our driveway, i noticed something strangely familiar at the foot of our neighbors driveway.
hmmmm....light brown books, encyclopedia size...what the?!!
!....bound volumes!!!!
We were going out to dinner the other night and when we pulled out of our driveway, I noticed something strangely familiar at the foot of our neighbors driveway. Hmmmm....light brown books, encyclopedia size...what the?!!!....BOUND VOLUMES!!!! Of course when we came back and I went across to grab them, they were gone.
The following Monday evening I'm headed back from a beer run and I notice a bunch of cars parked out in front of the house and a small boy in a suit standing in the front yard. His mother had what was obviously a bible...and some other publication.
I ran in and told Matt. He proposed we blast his Slayer albums from 7:30-8:30 every Monday evening...(our noise ordinance doesn't start till 10pm)...but being the civil citizen I am, I said No.
Oh what to do, what to do???!!!!
~luv, jojo
washing, brushing your teeth, or using deodorant?
assume you could not explain your reasons to anyone, and that there would be no long-term effect on your career..
So basically you're asking me to go three months without sex? Hmmmmmmm....
~luv, jojo
ok, here's the original:.
and here's a blank canvas for you: .
LOL @ Quandry...sorry about that. I'm not the best with these things.
Lady says: Bob, isn't that the man you disfellowshipped last week?
Man says: Brenda please. I'm drinking. my bald spot showing? GARCON!!!! MORE WINE!
Disfellowshipped? Not our problem anymore.
Plus: Wine. The new channeling system of the FDS.
Fitting huh?
~luv, jojo
ok, here's the original:.
and here's a blank canvas for you: .
my daughter and i were discussing jw doctrine, on the long trip home from skiing.
she is sooo glad she has a normal life.
we also discussed buzz words, and what jw's think about many things.
I worked on birth certificates for almost 2 years....and there are 3 names that have stuck in my memory
1. Shitte - it was a last name
2. Bling - i'm dead serious...a mother named her child Bling...B-L-I-N-G
3. Jihad - again.....dead serious
i have a friend who is 40. she has never been married.
been in the truth since before she was old enough to be married.. we were talking about a man brother in her life.
she says he just can't get his act together.. i tell her not to judge so quickly.
Didn't you know? Elders have been the best accessory since 1914...good guys are so passe. :P ~luv, jojo >^..^