JoinedPosts by littlerockguy
Is it my imagination or have the wording in WT publications been altered?
by ini am fairly new on here.
i grew up as a jw but never got baptised.
i have distanced myself from jw teachings for at least 10 years.. recently i was reading dawkins "the god delusion".
What do you do for canker sores?
by daniel-p inbecause mine is hurting like a mofo here... it's at the back of my cheek, where my lower and upper jaw connect,and i can't close my teeth without chomping on it because its swollen out.
my lymph glands under my neck hurt to the touch, the entire side of my head down to my shoulders hurt.. i've tried peroxide mouthwash, salt mouthwash, orajel (which help for about 30 seconds), and aspirin placed on it (which helps for about ten minutes).
today, at work, i put a bunch of salt directly on it which just stung like the dickens for about 10 minutes and now i'm back to square one with the ongoing pain.
what is the name of that song
by Lease ini cant even think of the lyrics because of another song in my mind.. the guy stutters in the song a little bit.. i remember hearing from a dj on the radio that this guy really did have a stuttering problem, and as a joke he sang the song, the group was surprised when the song was a hit.. however, when i told my friend this story, he said it was all false.. now that i want to do research on the computer about this song.....neither of us can remember it!.
even if you dont know the name....just a lyric from it.. thanks.
Favorite Cult Movies
by I quit! inits getting close to assembly time and my wife will be heading up to salt lake to attend the assembly there with her relatives so i will be on my own for a week.
i'm lining up my favorite cult movies to watch while she is away.
here are some of my favorites: the meaning of life, idiocracy, swingers, ghost world.
Bugsy Malone
My seperation/Divorce up-date. Un-believable what she wants!
by Witness 007 inmy wife asked for a seperation last week.
she rattles off a huge list of wrong things, like dress better when going out {wear a jacket?
} and be more ambitious like her since she would have been a millioniare if i wasn't holding her back?
Please tell me you dont have children with this monster. Listening to shit like this makes me glad Im lonely.
Most Haunting Voices in Music
by stillajwexelder inok - so after a few threads in the last few days i started listening to some of my old music.
some artists just have voices that are hauntingly beautiful and stick with you forever.
for me - the top three are.
Woke up and found out my gas was stolen....
by FreedomFrog inkids came home from their dads this morning and zach said, "mom, did you know your gas door and cap was off?
" so i sprinted downstairs and investigated....i had just over 1/2 tank and now over night i'm down around 1/8 tank...i'll report it to the management but i don't think the police will do anything since it's not over a certain amount lost.
my car doors were locked and i don't see damage on the outside.
I bought a locking gas cap months ago before gas peaked around $4 a gallon. They are around $10. It will not stop some people from drilling a hole in the tank to steal gas but it will deter some, however it is usually the big trucks with huge tanks that are a target for people drilling holes in the tanks and stealing gas.
Bank of America took $3000 out of my checking account without telling us!
by LovesDubs inwe are filing bankruptcy in three days.
we finally got enough money together, which included our government incentive check, to pay the lawyer to do it and last night saw two withdrawals from our checking account!
perfectly legal the bank says.
Do you honestly think that any other bank is going to be any more ethical than BOA? I guarantee you ANY bank you do that to would do the same. I have had similar stuff happen at other banks, like them running checks through my accound before they run my deposits on the same day and and charging NSF out the ass for it. Every bank is out to get as much from you as possible. I hate that your are going through this but don't think that a bank is there to serve your best interests; you have to cover your ass when dealing with those legal loan sharks.
Bank of America took $3000 out of my checking account without telling us!
by LovesDubs inwe are filing bankruptcy in three days.
we finally got enough money together, which included our government incentive check, to pay the lawyer to do it and last night saw two withdrawals from our checking account!
perfectly legal the bank says.
My objection was to your idea that you should not have to suffer the negative consequences of your decisions and that your creditors should bear the costs instead.
Should Indymac, Bear Sterns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, bear the negative consequences of THEIR financial decisions without a taxpayer bailout?
Thank you Warlock!!
Bank of America took $3000 out of my checking account without telling us!
by LovesDubs inwe are filing bankruptcy in three days.
we finally got enough money together, which included our government incentive check, to pay the lawyer to do it and last night saw two withdrawals from our checking account!
perfectly legal the bank says.
The govt is even more powerful than the banks are.
That is debatable. Do some in depth research on The Federal Reserve.