can you elaborate on your sarcastic troll of a response please
they seem determined to undermine the us democracy and shut the government down hurting employees and veterans.. what a despicable bunch, hope they get their asses kicked for what they are doing..
can you elaborate on your sarcastic troll of a response please
there's just so much $$$ that people have.. the obama government continues to ignore simple mathematics, and you can't just keep adding taxes and increase fees and simply believe that everyone with a brain will think it's lovely..
Sure you can minimus, you can shove them other people to worry about. I have irresponsible relatives that do that all the time. I have a sister and nephew that is always in a bind since they can't manage their lives and they eventually have my mother to bail them out. Not only do they drain my mother financially they manage to live on government handouts since they know how to work the system instead of trying to better their lives through self improvement.
they seem determined to undermine the us democracy and shut the government down hurting employees and veterans.. what a despicable bunch, hope they get their asses kicked for what they are doing..
Minimus, people also will have to pay more for their insurance or medical care with ACA which will reduce their income but there are also other taxes that are added on in the market to pay for this legislation, like the indoor tanning bed tax of 10% which is one tax that I know of. There is no telling what other taxes they added on. It's all just a scam to rob Peter to pay Paul when Paul is already strapped and can barely afford to actually get to his job (if he is even lucky enough to have a job).
they seem determined to undermine the us democracy and shut the government down hurting employees and veterans.. what a despicable bunch, hope they get their asses kicked for what they are doing..
So let me get this straight. For Obamacare to be successful it would require all the "young healthy" people to jump on board to pay for this crappy insurance with high premiums and even astronomical deductions. Most of the young people I know are already loaded down with with student loan debt, can only get part time jobs or low paying jobs and are living with their parents since they can't afford a place of their own or they live with their parents so they can afford to make their car payments and insurance they are forced to pay to be able to actually get to their jobs since the US does not have public transportation like a lot of European countries have that have socialized medicine. It's pathetic the mess that the younger generation will have to deal with.
Sounds like a personal problem to me Quiet One. I don't mind gettting IN YOUR FACE one bit about my sexuality when it comes to bigots like you.
i'm not, even a little bit and i don't understand what the outrage is all about..
What angharad said.
chris lane was murdered.
he was shot from behind.
he had no skittles in his pocket.
to those who don't believe in this shyt:you'd better not post here . you ever used it?what experiences do you have?were you able to summon a demon?what did he tell you?what did you see?i'm really curious and i wanna try it!.
I got this one for $10 on ebay. Haven't played with it but had one years ago my sister and I and friends played with. It would only work mostly at night. Never could get it to work much during the day.
once when i was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape.
he named each song after a person in our family.
this is the one he named heather.
this may have been talked about already, but i didn't see anything.
i was doing some research and keep seeing ole charley's name on this list.
it does make sense though, the more i think about it......
You think only Americans believe David Icke's work? He has fans all over the globe and not just America. I don't buy into a lot of things he says. I don't necessarily believe in shapeshifters and reptilian beings but that doesn't mean everything he says is completely wrong. You got to do your own research and separate facts from bullshit.