Once when I was profoundly sad for too many days, my brother in law sent us a mix tape. He named each song after a person in our family. This is the one he named Heather. When I heard it I cried. I was very moved. Very beautiful, especially at 2:24. What music stirs your soul? What moves you?
The music that moves you....
by FlyingHighNow 444 Replies latest social entertainment
No one can get through this without several waves of goosebumps and even tears, especially when you consider these are 14-18 year olds performing:
No Room For George
Funny you did this thread about music that moves. I say that because yesterday at work yesterday, I had my earbuds in listening to a collection of James Brown's ballads. By the way he was VERY underrated when it came to slow songs. I was checking out MSNBC and they had a photo slide showing smiling pictures of all who've died this year, and while listening to one of JB's ballads, titled, If I Ruled the World, it made me unexectedly emotional. I don't get like that often, what I mean is, I'm usually angry or frustrated, or cynical, but for that split moment in time I felt deeply sentimental and full of remorse. For that split second it would have felt good to die, to be honest with you. During the slide show, they even had a picture of Osama Bin Laden, and he was smiling with such a warmth that it was difficult to remember what he was responsible for, especially with JB crooning in my ears. It was a heck of a moment. Oh well, anyways............
Hello there FHN :)
I love you more today than yesterday, by the spiral staircase
No Room, I love James Brown. Fast, slow, I love him. If someone can't dance, just put on James and they will know how to dance, even if just for a few minutes.
WasBlind, I remember I Love You More Today was popular during the later 1960's. It was and is such a hopeful song.
That second song I posted is my grandson's marching band at this year's Grand Nationals: Tempest's Fury.
Listening now, Watson. How pretty. I lived on Oahu for the better part of a year. I would often listen to the local music station. This reminds me of those days. It was almost as if time stood still out there in the most remote part of the earth.
Listening now, Watson. How pretty. I lived on Oahu for the better part of a year. I would often listen to the local music station. This reminds me of those days. It was almost as if time stood still out there in the most remote part of the earth.
Listening to Don Williams voice has always relaxing to me
LRG, I find Don very soothing. I haven't heard this one before. Very sweet. My mother had Uncle Remus books bought from the Wren's Nest in Atlanta when she was a tiny girl growing up in 1930's Atlanta.