go to school dressed as a dark jedi and bring my double bladed saber on may 19th. even better, awards ceremoney is that day..so ill have to walk out infront of the whole school.
JoinedPosts by tsunami_rid3r
do you dare me to do this
by tsunami_rid3r ingo to school dressed as a dark jedi and bring my double bladed saber on may 19th.
even better, awards ceremoney is that day..so ill have to walk out infront of the whole school.
the things on the mind of an 18 y/o
by tsunami_rid3r ingraduation invitations- who to invite, looks like the whole congregations invited and some of my dads co-workers and relatives..too bad grad night is on a meeting night haha.
graduation party- should i have one?
itll be full of jehovahs witnesses .
how do i determine what size of condom i should get?
by tsunami_rid3r ina new born toxication is born .
the siren flowers are torn .
baby buy me a ciggerette .
a new born toxication is born
the siren flowers are torn
baby buy me a ciggerette
a mutha f*ckin ride we'll get
running bare feet like a hobo wack
bullets barraging, they attack
im falling down
im falling around
listen to the sound
look at what ive found
love, you're in my arms
ill drown in the mud, in the blood
ill carry you in my arms
to the waves that calms
only you can wake me up
from these distorted photographs
its a mix of reality and the dream world.
and heres a recap of whats been on my mind.
so i was out one night with my two chick friends. we were looking for some fun and the girl i met just that night starts playing with my button up shirt and says she wants the shirt underneath. she said she'll get it by the end of the night.
so we're out chillin and all of us need to go and then she reminds me about the shirt so i unbutton in front of her and take it off and give it to her. she said she wants to wear it for the week. what is up with girls taking a guy's shirts???
also im still not completely over the girl i took to prom. everyday at school i walk past her and her boyfriend in the hallway and we just say hi to each other. she has the same lunch as me but we never talk there. and then one night she instant messages me i never talk to her and i just reply you never talk to me. that really pisses me off because shes always with her bf, wtf does she think?
she even told my friend that they need to hang out even though she has a bf. im thinking wtf? why dont you tell me that? didnt i take you to prom? im thinking about just avoiding her at school now, so she wont see me at all. -
the things on the mind of an 18 y/o
by tsunami_rid3r ingraduation invitations- who to invite, looks like the whole congregations invited and some of my dads co-workers and relatives..too bad grad night is on a meeting night haha.
graduation party- should i have one?
itll be full of jehovahs witnesses .
why the hell did i just dream that i got searched for drugs and they found my smokes? but they dismissed me because im 18. i also dreamed i was walking down hallway holding hands with the least expected girl.
the things on the mind of an 18 y/o
by tsunami_rid3r ingraduation invitations- who to invite, looks like the whole congregations invited and some of my dads co-workers and relatives..too bad grad night is on a meeting night haha.
graduation party- should i have one?
itll be full of jehovahs witnesses .
i smoke only at parties.
graduation gift
by tsunami_rid3r inmy parents are getting me something for graduation?
what should i get?
maybe a laptop?
what if she forgets to bring my shirt when i meet her maybe this weekend?
the things on the mind of an 18 y/o
by tsunami_rid3r ingraduation invitations- who to invite, looks like the whole congregations invited and some of my dads co-workers and relatives..too bad grad night is on a meeting night haha.
graduation party- should i have one?
itll be full of jehovahs witnesses .
graduation invitations- who to invite, looks like the whole congregations invited and some of my dads co-workers and relatives..too bad grad night is on a meeting night haha.
graduation party- should i have one? itll be full of jehovahs witnesses
the girl i met over the weekend- i just dont know about her, she took my shirt, she gave me a piggy back ride, does it mean anything, what should i do? i dont know but...im still trying to fight the feelings i have for the girl i took to prom...
the girl i took to prom- i see her everyday with her boyfriend in the hallway, but im comfortable with it now. she small talks to me as we pass. and im wondering if i should give her her prom ticket. she asked for the professional prom pics today. and online she said i dont ever talk to her anymore and i said you dont ever talk to me anymore. and id definitely like to go see star wars with her, and her boyfriend doesnt like star wars...
star wars is coming- and im getting hyped up. im thinking about going to school dressed as a dark jedi and bringing my double bladed saber on the day it comes out. also thinking of asking a friend to dress as a light jedi that day too. part of this is to get the girl to see a part of me. and maybe to get her to ask me to go with her to the movie. and i just want some laughs at school. anyway where can i get anakins jedi costume?
savannah college of art and design- i wanna go there really bad, for architecture...i hear A&M isnt a good place for architecture. SCAD just looks effing beautiful too.
the smokes and lighter in my truck- i bought them last weekend, and theyre in the glove compartment
a couple friends and a party- a lot of my friends know my situation and they might throw a party for a b-lated bday
god and my heart and meetings- i now comment from the heart, eff reading from the literature, and i go because im payed to go
graduation gift- the rents are getting me whatever i want with a price limit of 1000 bucks, im thinking of getting a laptop
clothes- i need to buy a few more clothes for college, i need some nice chinos and another pair of surf shorts and a white effing oxford shirt add a pink tshirt to that
top 15% yearbook pictures tomorrow- i need to look hot for this, maybe my new hawthorne heights tshirt, and some ripped jeans, and vans checkered shoes will do. add straightened flipped out hair.
the only true witness friend- ive told him something, that i went to prom with a date, im hoping i can trust him. im thinking yes, hes a cool dude. back when i was green with girls, i really was pissed at him over this one new girl in the congregation, like 2 years ago. but hes always been cool with me no matter what. he drinks and is pretty laid back. so i hooked him up with the new girl from kansas last weekend at some witness chicks grad party.
art sale- tomorrow i need to sell my art work, i need to think of a price for my 3 pieces of beautiful art.
shower- i stink, i just got done working out, and i love my new shave down there...
condoms- should i buy them? -
graduation gift
by tsunami_rid3r inmy parents are getting me something for graduation?
what should i get?
maybe a laptop?
what if she forgot my shirt?
graduation gift
by tsunami_rid3r inmy parents are getting me something for graduation?
what should i get?
maybe a laptop?
what if the next time i see her, shes not wearing my shirt?
What are some of the "Get rich quick businesses" the witnesses tried?
by mjarka911 ini remember many witness businesses that would pop up.
usually they would say "i'll just offer it to the friends to get started, then when it takes off i can pioneer".
it was usually one after the other for the same people.
cmon..witnesses arent the only ones that fall for this.