oh yeah and the late night workouts are the BEST calorie burners
JoinedPosts by mapleaf18
Do you exercise or do anything special to physically look your best?
by JH ini walk alot in the summer time, usually about 5 miles a day when it's nice.
i never eat too much, so i don't gain weight.
a few days ago, i bought 2 ten pound dumbells and elastic bands and hand grips at walmart... i exercise with that about an hour a day.
Do you exercise or do anything special to physically look your best?
by JH ini walk alot in the summer time, usually about 5 miles a day when it's nice.
i never eat too much, so i don't gain weight.
a few days ago, i bought 2 ten pound dumbells and elastic bands and hand grips at walmart... i exercise with that about an hour a day.
After losing 60 lbs, I do Cathe Frederich's pyramid workouts, Tamilee Web workouts, tae bo and some pilates to keep it varied. I feel funny if I go more than 2-3 days and not work out. I climb the stairs up and down 22 floors in my bldg. during lunch hour generally speaking or take a very long fast walk if weather permits. I hate the elevators
I make sure my calorie count never goes over about 1700 a day. It's best between 1000 and 1500.
I also do "manual labour" on the weekends w/ boyfriend
Are you posting from your job?
by jt stumbler ini keep jwd up at work all day.
i frequent this site throughout the day.
when i get home at night, the last thing i want to do is look at a computer screen.
yep. i work as a help desk tech for a major telecom
What was your most humiliating point of being a jw?
by love11 inmine was when my mom signed me up to sit at a table at our local university.
we had to sit there and talk to students as they passed by our table.
a few people came up to start a conversation and i didn't even know what they were talking about.
my dad who was ALWAYS po, conducting the rather large congregation bookstudy. i might add that he had the whole congregation worshipping him and eating out of his hand. that particular evening, i actually got to sit next to my friend; we were both about 14 or so. my friend started whispering a little too loudly and my dad literally stopped the book study to chastise me. TOTALLY embarrassing!!! then the fellow "brothers and sisters" ragged on me afterwards, as well.
Serious questions about breastfeeding
by wordlywife ini will thank everyone ahead of time for not turning this thread into something it ought not to be.
i am expecting my third child and have never breast fed before.
my questions are these: .
great for the baby!! bad for the figure
Anybody here remember the "Lake" Congregation in Rochester NY?
by mapleaf18 inanybody here remember the "lake" congregation in rochester (actually greece) ny?.
this was before it split into the english park and long pond rd.
Anybody here remember the "Lake" Congregation in Rochester (actually Greece) NY?
This was before it split into the English Park and Long Pond Rd. cong. (more or less due to family cliques and not growth). . .
by Terry ini compose orchestral music.
i can write an entire piece, orchestrate and arrange it in four hours.
t.. my 1000th post!!
fixing computers!!! LUV it!!!
Super Soakers, Rock Em Sock Em Robots, And Other Innocent Childrens Toys
by ColdRedRain intoday, i was looking for a super soaker on ebay.
my ex girlfriend stole the other one, and i was looking to replace it.
it made me think about the time i was a kid.
no casper the friendly ghost; scooby doo, any tv shows w/ a worldly holiday theme, although my parents always had a strange facination with dickens "a christmas carol" all they would do was go around saying "scrooge was right; scrooge was right!"
no frankenberry, count chocula or lucky charms cereal (hey maybe they WERE doing us a favour)
and DON'T EVEN talk about DISCO (all u oldsters; remember all those forboding articles on DISCO during the 70's????)
(JW) Molester on the run!
by AntiPode inhere's his wanted poster: .
he's all over our local news channels this very moment, being sought by the authorities.
"But hey, when you're a Witness you quickly dismiss such things (because you feel you are supposed to), or don't realize the significance of such things, or never really develop the ability to read people, missing things that non-Witnesses, through experience, learn. I guess you never fully develop as a part of the world, and society, when you are a Witness."
You learn to dismiss your "6th sense" as a witness as a bunch of voodoo and superstition; i WISH i had listened to my 6th sense as it would have prevented me from a lot of heartache!!!!
JW related movie titles
by Markfromcali ini think there was a thread on this at some point but search is not working, wouldn't know the keywords anyway.. but like i just thought of escape from brooklyn bethel - instead of escape from new york.. it would be cool if someone can write little blurbs for these too.
anyone have/remember others?
The Mighty Dubs (a story of young witnesses discouraged from playing organized hockey)