Most everything on that page IS current and true about JW's. The following are some comments that I have made regarding the list.
I do not know if this is current:
63. You cannot wear jade jewelry*
23. You cannot buy girl Scout cookies
47. You cannot play chess*
Some of the KH's do have windows, some do not
66. Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows
You may now take some 'allowed parts' see - - for clarification on the blood issue.
19. You cannot take a blood transfusion
-A person who does NOT do any of the following may be labeled as a weak Witness called "unspiritual" or "Un-theocratic"
24. You must attend five meetings per week
-A person who does any of the following may be labeled as a weak Witness called "unspiritual" or "Un-theocratic"
14. You are discouraged from attending college
26. You cannot marry a non-Jehovah's Witness
45. You cannot have friends who are not Jehovah's Witnesses
55. You cannot have a tattoo
62. You cannot join any clubs or sports teams - Unless it is with ALL JW's and even then it is frowned upon
97. You cannot be involved in martial arts, boxing or wrestling
- Unless it is with ALL JW's and even then it is frowned upon
98. You cannot participate in a school play
If I may I would like to answer some of these.
63. There is nothing wrong with wearing Jade jewelry. Wearing any jewelry that has a mistical symbol, or good luck charm on it is.
23. Girl Scouts are I believe Methodist or Babtist based, and as such, a JW would be discuraged from buying anything that even involunteraly supports such any other religious org. This also is true for the Salvation Army which is faith based.
47. There has NEVER been ANYTHING wrong with playing chess. Ever.
66. Some Kingdom halls have windows some do not. It all depends on the style the local congregation chooses to build, as well as the neighborhood it's built in, for break in reasons.
19. Blood Transfusions are not allowed. Never have been never will be. Some other procedures, either with blood "parts" or organ transplants are left up to the patients decision, and his alone.
24. Yes, by attending all the meetings you can still be weak, but by not going to all of them, you can defiantely become weaker than if you attend them all. Also, by not attending them all, it can show a serious spiritual breakdown beginning, that can snowball if left unchecked.
14. Not true. As with all aspects of a JW's life, everything they do is to be for the praise and glory of God. There was a misunderstanding awhile back about this issue, and the Society came out and cleared it up. If going to college and getting a degree can help you advance lets say the full time ministry by being able to work less hours and make a better income, allowing you to spend more time in the field work, wonderful. If by getting a degree in a needed feild, that can help you get to Bethel, be it nursing, Dr. Lawyer, etc, wonderful. If getting a degree is so you can live a wealthy comfotable life, with the biggest house, nicest cars, etc, and not increasing what you are doing within the org, that goes against Bible principles. Its liek anything. Its not the thing itself thats good ro bad, but what you intend to do with it.
26. False. It is discouraged, because it can cause a severe strain on a couple with different beliefs, that can usually break up a marrige. I have seen cases where a person has stopped being a JW, and I've seen other ones where the non JW becomes one, to the point of becoming an Elder, and even serving at Bethel. But it is discouraged, not a CANNOT issue.
45. False. While assosiation with non JW's must be guarded, its not wrong. Most all now JW's who had friends before becoming one, still have them. Thats a commonn fear among those who have friends becoming one, and I can asure you, they won't stop being your friend. If they do, it's not by the hand of the JW's.
55. True. You cannot decorate your body. The bible states this. The JW's are just the only "christian" based faith that enforce it. You cannot be kicked out for getting one, or even reproved, but your privilages in the congregation if you have any can be taken away for a time.
62. Again, frowned upon. Anything that can take time out of or distract your ministry is discouraged. Thats not just clubs and sports teams. Thats ANYTHING. Hobbies, recreation thats not balanced, and is to the extreme is looked down on.
97. True. Any form of fighting is looked down on. As the group as a whole is a passive bunch, fighting, or learning how to fight goes against the bibles advice that those who live by the sword, die by the sword.
98. false. Again, its one of those things where it's what is taking up the most time in your life. Again Any extra-curricular activity that takes up too much time is frowned upon. Will this activity make you miss any meetings? Will you miss door to door service? What is the nature of the play? Does it promote non biblical standards? Those are questions again that must be asked to make a decision. Again, you wont get kicked out for doing it, but you may be questioned as to what the motives are, and how it will affect your spritual health.