Clancy Brown (Brother Justin-Carnivale; Victor Kruger/The Kurgen-Highlander).....he doesn't have a singing that I am aware of, but his speaking voice just makes quiver between the thighs. I also agree about Anthony Hopkins...I could listen to him for hours. As for singing talent: Poe; Tori Amos; Conjure One and Imogene Heap...I love female talent.
JoinedPosts by Sabrina
mmnnnnn ... who makes you just "melt"
by Simon in.
for an oldie i'd pick audrey hepburn singing moon river ... mmnnnn, i never get tired of that.. currently i'm listening to norah jones an aweful lot.
she is very easy on the ears and is my "audible-heaven" right now.. so who's voice makes you 'melt' ?
JWD, South Park yourself!
by Heatmiser in.
here you can create a south park version of yourself..
Hahaha......thanks Heatmiser and Bas.
JWD, South Park yourself!
by Heatmiser in.
here you can create a south park version of yourself..
JWD, South Park yourself!
by Heatmiser in.
here you can create a south park version of yourself..
Oh wow!!! The browser was definitely the problem. I was using Firefox. I guess I'll have to use IE when I visit this site from now on. Thanks!
Let's see if this works.
JWD, South Park yourself!
by Heatmiser in.
here you can create a south park version of yourself..
Do you have to have so many posts before you are allowed to attach a file or something, because I don't see where there is an 'attach file' option.
what song couldn't you listen to....
by loosie in.
what is the most ridiculous song that you couldn't listen too.. because of so called bad lyircs (maybe misheard lyrics), sexy beat or because fo the person who sang it didn't have the proper morals?.
mine.... couldn't listen to ac/dc because it meant they went both ways.
Ugh, my mom HATED music. Partly because of the JW's brainwashing, and partly because my dad was a music fanatic. Too much of a good thing can be bad. I LOVE music, but even I don't want to hear the blaring lyrics of rock blasting from my speakers in the early hours of the morn. Everything was censored for me, even certain radio stations, where the lyrics were edited, was banned. Prince, MJ, anything popular, loved by the 'world' had to be a bad thing. My mom would let me listen to a boring radio station for an hour, but only if I listened to Kingdom Melodies tape for an hour. I usually just opted not to listen to music at all, I heard enough of that other crap when I was at the KH, three times a week. As if being forced to sing 6 Kingdom songs a week wasn't enough. She did, however, buy me an old Mickey Mouse record player and let me listen to Disney Soundtracks. How gracious of her.
31 here
by Sabrina in[i]i wasn't sure where to post my introduction, so i am going to put it here.
if any admins or mods feel it should be moved, please do so.
i found this forum linked from, a jehovah's witnesses recovery site.
Zaphod, I have heard that Crisis of Conscience is a FANTASTIC book to help those who still have a hard time 'deprogram' the JW teachings from their minds. I plan on getting it very soon and reading up. If you haven't already, it may be a good idea to purchase a copy yourself. It may help.
Can you be disfellowshipped for taking a yoga class?
by TweetieBird ini was just wondering since i've started taking a yoga class.
not that i would mind being df'd but not ready to lose the family.
i lost my wt library cd so i don't have access to the society's stand on yoga.
JW's claim meditation is an open door, inviting demons into your mind. However, I think they are worried that if you think too deeply, you will figure out that everything they teach is bullsh*t. As for disfellowshipping, truly, when it comes down to it, they can disfellowship you for any reason at all. Some elders are truly loving, just very misled. They truly believe this is the truth, and they will do everything they can to help you see the 'light' before taking steps to df you. However, there are many that are vindictive, self-serving, self-righteous, and look down their noses at everyone else. They don't need a reason, they can make up anything, say anything, and when you protest, they'll use that against you too, saying you are 'stumbled', 'weak', or 'unrepentant', and df you anyway. Just my thoughts on the matter.
31 here
by Sabrina in[i]i wasn't sure where to post my introduction, so i am going to put it here.
if any admins or mods feel it should be moved, please do so.
i found this forum linked from, a jehovah's witnesses recovery site.
Wow, I don't think I have ever been to a forum and received so many warm welcomes. Thank you all for your greetings and the advice. I think I am going to talk to my mother and just let her know that I am going to leave the choice of religion up to my son and I do not want him influenced. I'll ask her to not impose her beliefs upon him and see what happens. If she continues to do it, then I will take further action to monitor their visitations. I suppose what scares me is he is at such an impressionable stage of his life and I know he can be easily influenced. I also like the idea of just being candid with him and tell him the truths of the 'truth'. Thank you again, everyone, for your kindness. ~Sabrina
31 here
by Sabrina in[i]i wasn't sure where to post my introduction, so i am going to put it here.
if any admins or mods feel it should be moved, please do so.
i found this forum linked from, a jehovah's witnesses recovery site.
[i]I wasn't sure where to post my introduction, so I am going to put it here. If any admins or mods feel it should be moved, please do so. I found this forum linked from, a Jehovah's Witnesses recovery site. This is the second ex-JW's site I have found and I am so glad to be here. I have been disfellowshipped for about 4 years now, and I believe the teachings and doctrines of the cult is rubbish. Unfortunately, I was born and raised as one of JW's, and even now, I struggle with the brainwashing and the conditioning that has been done throughout my entire life. It has been very refreshing to find likeminded people, and through recent research, I have learned that the teachings of JW's is not the 'truth'! Though I still have a hard time, a load has been taken off of my shoulders. I am shunned, for the most part, by my mother, who is still on of JW's. Normally I respect the beliefs of others, but it seems she applies the rules only when it conveniences her, and that I cannot respect. It's really sad too, for my son, her only grandchild, at the age of 4, rarely gets to see her, and he loves her so much. But, severing family ties is something the JW's teach, and that is something I have grown accustomed to. I just worry, that when she is with him, she imposes her beliefs upon him. I am not sure how to handle this...I have heard mention Jehovah, so I know she talks to him about it. At any rate, thank you for this site. I look forward to meeting and talking with all of you...and in turn, I hope to learn as much help. ~Sabrina [/i]