[i]I wasn't sure where to post my introduction, so I am going to put it here. If any admins or mods feel it should be moved, please do so. I found this forum linked from http://members.aol.com/beyondjw/bj.htm, a Jehovah's Witnesses recovery site. This is the second ex-JW's site I have found and I am so glad to be here. I have been disfellowshipped for about 4 years now, and I believe the teachings and doctrines of the cult is rubbish. Unfortunately, I was born and raised as one of JW's, and even now, I struggle with the brainwashing and the conditioning that has been done throughout my entire life. It has been very refreshing to find likeminded people, and through recent research, I have learned that the teachings of JW's is not the 'truth'! Though I still have a hard time, a load has been taken off of my shoulders. I am shunned, for the most part, by my mother, who is still on of JW's. Normally I respect the beliefs of others, but it seems she applies the rules only when it conveniences her, and that I cannot respect. It's really sad too, for my son, her only grandchild, at the age of 4, rarely gets to see her, and he loves her so much. But, severing family ties is something the JW's teach, and that is something I have grown accustomed to. I just worry, that when she is with him, she imposes her beliefs upon him. I am not sure how to handle this...I have heard mention Jehovah, so I know she talks to him about it. At any rate, thank you for this site. I look forward to meeting and talking with all of you...and in turn, I hope to learn as much help. ~Sabrina [/i]
Hello...new here
by Sabrina 31 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Sabrina... hope you find all the healing here that you are looking for.
welcome to the board, Sabrina!! :-))
hi and a warm welcome to you, keep your head up. been there done that, moved on.
Welcome to the forum Sabrina! It's amazing how much of the "programming" stays with many of us even years later. The grandkid access issue is a toughie (my sister has the same problem/issue).
Welcome to the board...you are definately not alone!
I welcome you Sabrina,
I don't post very often after 2 years on this site i am still a newbie.
I wish i had taken more seriously this site in 1998 i would have been out a long time ago. Oh...well i am out now.
Nice to have you here Sabrina!
Looking forward to more of your posts.
Have You Seen My Mother
Hello, Sabrina,
Pleased to meet you! Glad you found JWD.
I, too, have a 4-year old. Both of her grandmothers are JW. One has contact with her through me (my mother), one doesn't (her dad's mother). And I have chosen to supervise her contact with my mother so the mind-control techniques will not have a chance to begin. It is sad to me that such a thing is necessary but am happy to be raising her with more love and freedom than I knew growing up.
Look forward to hearing more from you...