It's summertime; most of the ladies around here are tan this time of year. The ghosts usually come out in the winter.
Winter in my part but still no ghosts Evanescence
haunted places, haunted houses, haunted people, have you had a true encounter with the world beyond?
i only read about it, i never experienced any of it.
anyone want to share their experiences, outside of halloween of course.
It's summertime; most of the ladies around here are tan this time of year. The ghosts usually come out in the winter.
Winter in my part but still no ghosts Evanescence
haunted places, haunted houses, haunted people, have you had a true encounter with the world beyond?
i only read about it, i never experienced any of it.
anyone want to share their experiences, outside of halloween of course.
es and doofdaddy,
so cold I can barely type on the keyboard with my frozen iced hands.
so cold I rather like classes and hate recess and lunch out... in... the... cold....
so cold I have two dooners on my bed.......
how many degrees on your part?
Its about 12 degrees here! (it seems much colder) and freezing southenly winds and the freezing air coming from Port Phillip bay....
lol im just glad i don't live in south gippsland (ive been there for holidays once talk about FREEZING!!!) and my fishing obsessed parents love going fishing on about an 8 degree day! fortuantly they got the message that the fish ain't biting and its insanity to go fishing in mid winter in what seems to be the coldest part of Victoria even in summer its FREEZING down there!
Oh right ghosts? nope seen none! but I heard that the devil tries to fool us by getting his angels to descuise themselves as ghosts. human souls are either in heaven, purgatory or hell.
Trying these "crossing over" or speaking to the dead is dangerous though
Ahhh burning for some reason it sounds like pleasure (the coldness is really getting to me! )
i went to a catholic church this weekend with my boyfriend.
he was raised catholic and was thinking about going back to church, but after the service decided that his belief system was now too different for him to attend services anymore.
as for myself, it stirred an unexpected reaction in me.
I'd rather spend time in serious research and study to see where the truth can be found.
You can do that by going to different churches, and even ask priests/ministers/elders questions about their religion.
when i was growing up as a jw i had (as most others) a masturbation 'problem'.. the broblem more was that i felt guilty, and not happy.
this caused my concience to grow very weak.
because of this repressed desires etc, i would have done anything for a woman.
and no longer have "holy spirit",
The holy spirit never leaves you.
If you ask satan for something he isn't nessesary going to give it to you remember he wants nothing more than to see you suffer so he is not going to give you 'pleasure'
He is not your slave so he is not going to give you your requests.
i went to a catholic church this weekend with my boyfriend.
he was raised catholic and was thinking about going back to church, but after the service decided that his belief system was now too different for him to attend services anymore.
as for myself, it stirred an unexpected reaction in me.
who's Hosanna?
you sure it wasn't "rosanna"? by toto?
Hosanna is like a shout of joy and Triumph. Hosanna is an exclamation of praise to god HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST!! Evanescence
i went to a catholic church this weekend with my boyfriend.
he was raised catholic and was thinking about going back to church, but after the service decided that his belief system was now too different for him to attend services anymore.
as for myself, it stirred an unexpected reaction in me.
I went to a Catholic church this weekend with my boyfriend. He was raised Catholic and was thinking about going back to church, but after the service decided that his belief system was now too different for him to attend services anymore.As for myself, it stirred an unexpected reaction in me. While I got nothing out of the sermon(or whatever it's called there), everyone singing songs and stuff made me miss the meetings for a minute. Not what was actually taught, but the routine, and being able to say that I actually belonged to a religion. There were also times when I felt like I was at a district convention, because it was a large church.
All in all, it was weird and chances are, I won't go back. I've thought about checking out the Unitarian church in my area to see what's what.
Catholics do call it a sermon so its all good! Why won't you go back? was there anything about the church you didn't like? Evanescence
i went to a catholic church this weekend with my boyfriend.
he was raised catholic and was thinking about going back to church, but after the service decided that his belief system was now too different for him to attend services anymore.
as for myself, it stirred an unexpected reaction in me.
Did you hear this in the catholic church?
Nicene Creed
We believe in one god, the father, the almighty, maker of heaven and earth,
Of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one lord, Jesus Christ, the only son of God,
Eternally begotten of the father.
God from God, Light from Light, true god from true god,
Begotten, not made,
of one being the father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven.
by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin MAry and was made man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
He suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again in accordance with the scriptures; he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the father.
He will come again in glory judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the giver of life, who proceeds from the father and the son
With the father and the son he is worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
Talk about mouthful! lots of catholics can memorize the whole thing too! How they do it I don't know! I certainly can't!
i heared something the other day that made me sick.. apparentely its been brought out in a talk recently that children are becoming more and more imperfect due to us being right at the end of the system.. i was told that the witnesses are saying that this generation of kids being born have a natural bad streak that makes them so willfull and disobedient.. i don't know what they are saying should be done about it but i imagine they are probably encouraging harsher discipline.. the mind boggles!
The watchtower itself says "Parents should never discipline their children in a harsh or cruel way.— Colossians 3:21 ."
Thats it now I'm confused
when i was growing up as a jw i had (as most others) a masturbation 'problem'.. the broblem more was that i felt guilty, and not happy.
this caused my concience to grow very weak.
because of this repressed desires etc, i would have done anything for a woman.
Do you think thats its possible that Jehovah was protecting you from these temptations?
i heared something the other day that made me sick.. apparentely its been brought out in a talk recently that children are becoming more and more imperfect due to us being right at the end of the system.. i was told that the witnesses are saying that this generation of kids being born have a natural bad streak that makes them so willfull and disobedient.. i don't know what they are saying should be done about it but i imagine they are probably encouraging harsher discipline.. the mind boggles!
Time to dispatch the social workers!