I found the poem I was looking for, right here on JWD!!!! >>>To my fellow friends.........This is a reminder for all of us. This can also be applied to brothers. No matter what we go through as single christians. Breaking Jah's law isn't worth it. "He Doesn't Serve God." I'd like to tell you a story, about true love at last. It's very informative and has an interesting cast. So pay close attention, it's sad but true, And don't ever think this can't happen to you. I met him during lunch break on a sunny day, He sat next to me and smiled, as I was about to pray. We talked on and on. He was such a gentleman. I wished that this moment would never end. Ah, but then it came to be the end of my lunch hour. I tell you when he stood up, he looked just like a tower! We met again and again. Our souls began to cling. I pondered in my mind, "Is this the REAL thing?" He doesn't smoke or drink, or gamble away his money. He doesn't 't do drugs or things like that and he's nobody's "honey". Let's face it, he's fine and he's really got a great "body". The only thing that's missing is he doesn't serve God. I'll just give him a chance, he'll change in time. I won't mind being "his", if he'd like to be "mine". My friends tried to warn me. I didn't listen or care. Little did I know my life would be one of despair. The wedding was fine. The judge married us in the fall. You see, I couldn't have a wedding in a Kingdom Hall. My dad, said no, he wouldn't give me away. With the pain in his heart, he didn't have much to say. Mom, listen to me, please don't cry and whine. Don't worry about us, we'll be just fine. I've got a good man and he has a good job. The only thing is, he doesn't serve God. Everything is going fine, but recently at night, when it's time for the meeting, we just fuss and fight. He says, "Who's this God, breaking us apart? Don't go tonight dear, please follow your heart." So I listen and stay, to keep peace at home. But now oftentimes, I feel so all-alone. I don't associate with the friends much at all, To keep peace at home, I don't go to the Hall. Service and Meetings, all that's history. Today, I decorated my first Holiday Tree. The holiday celebrations are now part of my life. You see, I must obey my husband, for I am his wife. The brothers would call. I wouldn't answer the door. I don't read the magazines. Reading is such a bore. Marrying out of the Truth, it really sets you "free". "Free" from Jehovah's love that once was in me. I just got the news! I'm having a "little one"! I can hardly wait to tell my dear "Hon". He was in a bad mood. He lost his job that day. He told me as he hit me, "That's just one more bill to pay!" Then he apologized, "I'm sorry, please forgive me Dear" You see, I've heard those words more often than I'd like to hear. I have two jobs now. I must support my household. My husband says he'll find work, but now that's getting old. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I'm feeling very strange. My schedule at both jobs, I'll have to rearrange. I should be very happy, the baby is due any day. Things just have to get better, somehow, some way. I'm married to this man, for better or for worse. The only problem is, he doesn't put Jehovah first. The baby came today, she's so little and so light. She's not crying or making noise, something's just not right. "What could be wrong?" I thought aloud as I lay in bed. In came the doctor looking sad, and then he shook his head. "Mrs. Unbeliever," he said, "there's something I must confess." You and the baby tested positive to the new HIV test. I started crying. I couldn't believe the words the doctor said. To know that in a very short time, my child and I'd be dead! Listen to me! All of you! I'm telling you to your face! To marry an Unbeliever, is a TOTAL DISGRACE,! To Jehovah, our loving father, who provides for his sheep. That's why he sets the guidelines for us to hold and keep. Wait on Jehovah. In his due time He'll set things straight. Be patient, and He'll give you a Theocratic mate. One who loves Jehovah and you know that he'll do right. One who'll be there with you when it comes to "Meeting" night. A worldly man has nothing to offer - really nothing at all But unhappiness, sadness, sorrow, and a very serious fall. (So be wise my Sisters, and please don't try to rush things. Wait patiently on Jehovah, and accept the blessings he brings. Don't look to worldly men as mates, at your job or at the Mall. REMEMBER! Brothers that serve Jehovah are at the Kingdom Hall.
JoinedPosts by gringojj
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
Before my wife and i got married, she gave my wife this story about a jw girl who married a worldly guy. By the end of the story the girl had HIV, a baby, had been beaten by her husband, and he left her for another woman. It was before i had looked into the jws at all so i didnt know what to make of it. I wish i could find that story now it came off the internet somewhere.
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
My husband can never be an apostate because he was never baptised. The elders have told me not to go on any website except the official JW one. But I am not baptised and I am researching all things right now. A friend in need I understand you have a Christian standpoint. I just need someone to help me makes sense of things. You are on this board so you must know about the misquotations. How can I justify that in my mind? How do you do it? Please help me I really need to know how you do it.
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
And I have another question A friend in need. You said that my study partner is just doing what she feels is best. She is doing what the elders have told her to do. And the WTS being a theocracy, meaning directed by god, in a trickle down sort of way the orders from the elders are to be treated as coming from god himself. The WTS teaches to disobey then is to disobey Jehovah. I think this is the theme for this years assembly. So by you saying that it might not be the right thing, arent you saying that the elders, and therefore Jehovah is wrong? Are'nt you an apostate for not agreeing with what they say? Between being on this board and speaking out agains the WTS, how are you not an apostate?
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
Dear A friend in need,
You are one of Jehovas Witnesses? Are you baptised? I thought this place was all ex-jws. If I were baptised I would not come to this site. What do the elders think of you being on a site like this? Anyways did you see the poem that she gave me? What do you think about all the crazy stuff the WTS does and says? Please tell me because I need to find the truth. My husband showed me a bunch of quotes from the creation book that the WTS took out of context. We researched them from the original articles and I must say I was really disturbed by what we found. If the WTS tells us only to believe in what they write, to trust them because they are the truth, then how do I justify believing anything they write if they blatantly take quotes out of context to support thier teachings? I am really disturbed by this can you please help me?
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
And heres what she also gave my wife- notice the part about witnesses crossing crocodile infested rivers. We both laughed at that.
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
Heres the poem she sent----- The time is short What will I do? I'll study my Watchtower, My Kingdom Ministry, too. Prepare for the book study, Read all the scriptures. Make some notations, Even study the pictures! Then suddenly you're zealous, And also quite nervous, And remember how often, You neglected the service. Where is my Bible? Where are my books? Give me my bag, I forgot how it looks! And, oh, so important, Since there's only one day, I must not forget, To incessantly pray. Meetings!! Meetings!! That's where I must go. Forget about play, It's not important, you know. Jehovah's Day is now here, And it did not delay. I wasted my time Much work and much play. His day is now here. He sits on His throne, In righteousness judges, To uprightness prone. How often I told you, The Kingdom to seek, And always be steadfast, Thus avoid getting weak. So here is your judgment, With regret I do say, Your record is written, and this is my Day. Your Bible is dusty, Your recreation was first, For spiritual knowledge, You seldom would thirst. You neglected your service, And meetings forsook, Your prayers were not often, You're not in my book!!!
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
Dear A friend in need, I am glad that you can see that its just too much right now. Can you believe when I told my study partner that she made me feel guilty about not going to meetings all she could say was I am sorry you feel that way. She couldnt say she was sorry for making me feel that way. She sent me a poem about how I was going to be destroyed at armageddon. She kept telling me I was slacking. So much for love. I am so glad that there are people like you, my husband, and all the ex-jws here on this board who can see the WTS for who they really are. Thanks for being a friend.
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
She does read jwd and she is reading these replies. it gives her alot to identify with. She has never been baptised so her mother wont shun her totally, but i know from her other sisters that if she isnt "progressing in the truth" ,barf, her mother wont really talk to her. I keep up the anti-witnessing dont worry about that. I think she really wants an answer and wants to believe something 100 percent. She would love for me to find something that will make her say they are wrong but i think first she has to figure out what to do when that happens. I dont know its very confusing but slowly but surely i think she is seeing the light.
My wifes struggle
by gringojj inhi friends.
well its seems my wife has hit a standstill with the dubs.
some of you may know my situation, but i guess its all relative anyway.
You are right and all I have to tell the elders when they ask me why I am questioning them is because its life or death. Its that simple the blood issue makes it a life or death matter and my wife agrees we owe it to our children before we are ever faced with the question of a transfusion wether or not the wts is right. They really cant refute that.