JoinedTopics Started by gringojj
Hermit crabs and creation
by gringojj inhi guys its been a long time since i have posted.. anyway i was on vacation this past week at the beach and came across a hermit crab that had lost its shell.
i started thinking about the creation and intelligent design theory and though what a horrible design if it was created.
the hermit crab cannot survive without findind the shell of a dead snail to protect it.
Kingdom Hall Mortgages....Interesting Info
by gringojj inhey guys its been a long time since i have posted but there was something i wanted to share that i had found and get peoples opinion.. in massachusetts south worcester county you can search real estate transactions from the past 40 years on a website called i was checking the history on the property at 700 worcester st southbridge , mass in worcester county which is the location of the kingdom hall.. it looks like from the records that the hall was first mortgaged back in the 60's by the wbts and then again in the early 80's by the wbts but then in the later 80's by mechanics bank which became bank boston.
that all makes sense.. the curious part is that in the 90's it looks like they expanded the property with the owners of the property being the southbridge kingdom hall corp but the mortgage of 60,000 was held by a member of the congregation.
i did a little more digging and it looks like this wealthy congregation member actually did a few mortgages over the years for other cong members for thier own houses.. has anyone ever heard of a cong member mortgaging a kingdom hall or other members?.
The Church of The End of Times?????
by gringojj ini was driving in a new town today and i saw a sign for "the church of the end of times".
has anyone ever heard of them?
i can almost guess where they came from.
Pat Robertsons plane crashed!!!!!
by gringojj init seems a small airplane owned by pat robertson crashed yesterday and 2 people were killed.
has anyone heard him make any statements about this?.
he has been very vocal about expressing why bad things happen to people, i.e.
Worship of planes?
by gringojj in.
i remember a post a while back that talked about some people on an island or something that worshipped planes or something because they used to drop off packages with parachutes during a war or something.
can anyone link me to that thread or refresh my memory as to who those people are?
7 Million?
by gringojj inthe preaching work must have really had an impact this month!
my sister in law just told my wife that at this mornings meeting they said there are now 7 million witnesses worldwide!
Circumcision....How is it justified?
by gringojj ini am unclear on this.
it seems for most religions leave this question up to the parents.
but how do people justify it?
Recent misquotations
by gringojj ini am planning to address the problem of misquotations with some jws.
i have told them before about the creation book and they said that apostates had been in the org in the past.
anyways i am looking for some more recent ones to show them and see what they have to say.
Fulfillment of prophecy, where are we?
by gringojj inmy wife ran into a witness yesterday and he told her that they are waiting for one more thing to happen, the governments to attack religion, and when that happens it will be too late for her to get into the new system.
i guess he was trying to scare her back to the meetings.. so my wife wants to know what are the prophecies that have been fulfilled according to the wts.
can anyone list them or link me to a post that addresses this?
A Watchtower merger?
by gringojj inother corporations do it all the time.
why not the wts?.
wouldnt it be brilliant............the gb sees the end is very near.