I agree. It allways hurt me to see how the sisters were treated. They were treated as second [trash] hand people in the BORG. Totally not the way it should be.
Posts by skyman
Women are not fitted to carry a drum - Awake! 12/22/50, 27.
by Unfinished Mystery inwhat a downright moronic article!
it is amazing that a self-described religious magazine would use such a totally.
irrelevant piece of news to further its misogynistic agenda:.
Believe it or not?
by skyman into make every one smile please take a moment out of your lives and watch a clip from abc news about a man that claims he is a prophet of jehovah.
he can do something true amazing.
post what you think about this if you would here is the link http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=yahwehufo
If he faked it I would like to know how. It reminds me of a story I read years ago. The article said the UFO's were live creatures that live with in the earth canopy and were not space crafts. I have a dog when I yell he comes running just like the UFO's in this story. The man might have pet UFO's. That was meant as a way out there, maybe!
What would you do?
by pratt1 inlet's say that a young relative of yours is a dub, 16 years old, and live with her dub parents.. she has come to you because she is pregant and needs you moral and financial support in this matter.. because she was in denial about her condition, if she has an abortion (which is what she wants) it would require a short hopital stay.
she is 11 weeks i think.. what do you do?.
1. tell her parents?.
I know the law says that she does not have to tell her parents. I am a parent and I would never forgive you did not tell me that my girl was pregnat . I helped raise my brothers boy when they through out the boy at sixteen two months before he was to be baptized. So if her parent can not except her then I would open my doors for her and help her in any way I could. It was worth when I did.
P.S. It soured the boy so bad against the TROOF he never went back to the hall and now he is a fellow apostate like me. But his parent admire me because of helping him.
Believe it or not?
by skyman into make every one smile please take a moment out of your lives and watch a clip from abc news about a man that claims he is a prophet of jehovah.
he can do something true amazing.
post what you think about this if you would here is the link http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=yahwehufo
It will take a while but it is worth it. The man calls up a UFO he prays to Jahweh and a UFO appears don't know how he did it but he did.
Believe it or not?
by skyman into make every one smile please take a moment out of your lives and watch a clip from abc news about a man that claims he is a prophet of jehovah.
he can do something true amazing.
post what you think about this if you would here is the link http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=yahwehufo
To make every one smile PLEASE take a moment out of your lives and watch a clip from ABC news about a man that claims he is a Prophet of Jehovah. He can do something true amazing. Post what you think about this if you would here is the link http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=yahwehufo
Bible contradictions?
by skyman ina man i work with in my business is very religious he does not believe the bible contradicts itself.
help me find a few please.
i am sure this has been a post in the past but i'm new.
Thanks Merry and Elsewhere.
A joke - Who alredy had a belly ache?
by Petruska in.
i have something absolutly funny to post but i cant do it by just copying paste... its quite long but worthless you guys will love it.
how can i do?
Right click on the text you want then click copy.
Now go to the reply page provided on this form and open it
On the top of the reply box in the grey you will see a arrow pointed to the right and one pointed to the left then a pair of sissors next you will see two pages and a clip board.
Listen left click one time on the pages icon then one time on the icon clip board. You should now have pasted your letter.
Bible contradictions?
by skyman ina man i work with in my business is very religious he does not believe the bible contradicts itself.
help me find a few please.
i am sure this has been a post in the past but i'm new.
A man I work with in my business is very religious he does not believe the bible contradicts itself. Help me find a few please. I am sure this has been a post in the past but I'm new.
For ex: What did jesus drank on the cross vinegar - Matthew 27:34 wine with myrrh - Mark 15:23
Lets see how many we all kind find.
If you do something contrary to what the bible teaches, how do you react?
by JH inso many verses in the bible are so clear.
example: don't steal, don't fornicate, don't have sex with a person of the same sex....etc.
some verses couldn't be clearer.
I do not any longer think of it in those terms. I have a conscience that keeps me from doing wrongs. But the Budist the Hindus and all other religions have the basic right and wrongs. There is a universal code of right and wrong this code is what I go by now. I don't think of the bible as inspired but just books written by wise men of their day.
Prove to me that God exists
by CinemaBlend ini need debate practice on the subject for the next time i'm cornered.
Who created God? That question is the same as how did life get here if there is no God. So the equal question who created GOD matters if you believe god created all things!!!! God had to have a begining nothing can not spontaniously create itself you still have nothing>>>