Littletoe No problem just want people to open their mind. Personally I do not believe any of the biblical record about Jesus . I believed HE lived and died but not like the Bible say's. The Gosples are not in agreement within their own pages. I find it almost impossible. The Romans document a man by a different name that lived at the as time as the Bible Jesus. The Romans historical records do not mention Jesus but mentions in great detail the other man and how the other man was a great leader and was to be king if the Romans were not there. So I have started to study in great detail the bible and what it say's about Jesus. I nolonger believe the differences between the writers can be ignored by the fact that he saw it this way so wrote it down the way he saw it to exsplain the differences.
Posts by skyman
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
Jehovah's loses comp case
by RR injehovah's loses comp case
church may be forced to pay millions
by jess wisloski.
second post about this. I love that they lost.
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
Narrisso I was hoping that leolaia would say just what you did, about Luke saying about 30 because it would add on about four years so he died at about 37 years of age because he was about two years old or less when Herod killed the babies which is a difference of four years. Then I was going to bring out the other things you said about the differences in LUKE and Mathew I have a list from a local Bible scholar that tells me most of the problems between all the Gospels and it lead to only one conclusion at least for me the Gospels are only 18% in agreement between them when it comes to Jesus Christ
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
Maybe I need to ask this How come is the bible not in harmony. Bible supporter please respond. especially
by alreadygone inhe's home!!!!!!
for those of you that didn't know, troucul was deployed to iraq for the last year.
I bet you are happy he is OK I know many friends of mine that went and one came home with out his arm, and one came home in a body bag.
by alreadygone inhe's home!!!!!!
for those of you that didn't know, troucul was deployed to iraq for the last year.
You have probably posted this but. Welcome home from where?
If you love the bible help me with this please
by skyman inluke says that jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account.
luke 3:1-2 3 in the fifteenth year of the reign of tibe rius caesar, when pontius pilate was governor of jude a, and herod *[antipus grand son of king herod the great] ruler of gal ilee, but philip his brother was district ruler of the country of iturae a and trachoni tis, and lysa nias was district ruler of abile ne, 2 .
(matthew 2:1-4) 2 after jesus had been born in beth lehem of jude a in the days of herod the king, .
Luke say’s that Jesus was baptized when he was 30 years old account. Luke 3:1-2 3 In the fifteenth year of the reign of Ti·be´ri·us Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Ju·de´a, and Herod *[Antipus Grand son of King Herod the Great] ruler of Gal´i·lee, but Philip his brother was district ruler of the country of It·u·rae´a and Trach·o·ni´tis, and Ly·sa´ni·as was district ruler of Ab·i·le´ne, 2
(Matthew 2:1-4) 2 After Jesus had been born in Beth´le·hem of Ju·de´a in the days of Herod the king,
The Gospels of Matthew and Luke do not agree about the time line of Jesus Birth. Historical records say the King Herod died 4years before our common era or 4 BCE this is in agreement with the account of LUKE but not in agreement with the account found at Matthew.
Luke’s account say’s in the 15th year of Tiberius, which puts Jesus birth at 2/1 BCE. Tiberius reign started in 14AD and ended in 37AD add 15 years to 14AD and you get 28/29AD now minus 30years for the age at baptism you come up with 1/2BCE which is in agreement with Historical Records. That makes Jesus birth two years after King Herod’s death in agreement with historical records. The problem is the Matthew account of Jesus birth and everything that goes with it does not agree with Luke or recorded History, which squarely puts Matthew’s account into question. Both Luke and Matthew cannot be correct.
1963 UN resolution anyone else noticed this?
by skyman ini found this intresting the sun god noted above, now notice the 1963 resolution not to join the un.
"that we will continue to look to him as the great sun from whom comes our enlightenment, guidance and healing.
we will glorify him and not join idolatrous men in looking to bright-shining ones of mankind as the source of mental and spiritual enlightenment and of worldly prosperity".
This is all very wierd. Thanks for all the post here. I hope more will read these post all you JW's lurking here please read all the post.
The joys of field service
by TallTexan ini posted this as a response under another post, but i couldn't resist starting a topic on
does this sound familiar to anyone???
when i was a jw, i thought there was nothing cooler than getting up at 7 a.m. on saturday, getting showered, putting on dress clothes, meeting at 8:30 a.m., answering a bunch of phony 'how are you this morning's', watching as people jockey for position in their favorite car groups so that they could be with their friends (because god forbid you get stuck in a car group with someone not in your clique), and miss looney tunes while listening to some lame attempt at a 30-second presentation by brother monotonous, then being sure to get out by 9:00 a.m. 'cuz if you were with brother rule-conscious you couldn't start your time until you knocked on that first door.
This like reading a ex-war survivor story. Bad thing is I can identify with you on every word.
How will they spin 'the Bethel layoffs'?
by AK - Jeff ini think they will call it 'keeping the eye simple'.
we found ways to reduce the bethel force in order to put more emphasis on the 'preaching work'.
probably in a km article.. or maybe that has been done and i missed it already.. jeff
Remember a Spin master can fool the senses to believe that POOP smell like roses. The Spin master are at work I bet they are going to say something like this. We live in world that is streamlined and efficient, by down sizing we become better able to spread the Good News around the world that Jesus commanded his true followers to do at Mat: 28,19-20. We look with great expectation to the coming great day of God almighty when he brings to nothing his ememies that quickly is coming upon the world of ungodly men.
The Dornes will eat it up just like they did not last time the Society down sized.